Principal's Report

I take this opportunity to thank our families and community for their support and resilience during this term. It is now a great opportunity to take some time away from the screen and if you can, spend some time outside in the sun, enjoying the Spring weather. I am hopeful that there will be some easing of restrictions to allow for increased social interaction and that we will see students back at school at some stage during Term 4.

Despite the lockdown, there has been a great deal of work happening at the College, and in particular planning for Term 4 and for 2022. All students have now completed their course selections and it was terrific to meet (virtually) many of our new families whose children will commence Year 7 in 2022 - we are excited to see a new cohort of students joining the Rosehill community.

The College timetablers have been working on the complex task of developing a new timetable and schedule for 2022. We hope to maximise student choices and look to offer as many subjects as is feasible.

The planning for our new building works is well underway and on schedule. We are almost at the end of the Schematic Design phase. Shortly we will commence the Design Development stage, this is when I will be able to share proposed plans with the School Council and school community. What I can say, is that the current plans look amazing!!

In addition to the capital works program, we did receive just under $200,000 to build an Outdoor Inclusive Reading space adjacent to the library. The planning for this project is also well underway and preliminary drafts have been prepared and are ready to be approved by the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA).

I take this opportunity to acknowledge the continuous and exceptional work from our teaching and education support staff, not only during this term, but throughout the past 18 months. Together with the support from our families, we have been able to continue to deliver high quality learning and teaching. Our NAPLAN results have been very, very, pleasing for students in Year 7 and 9, with strong results in Reading, Writing and Numeracy which demonstrates that despite setbacks and difficulties, our school values of Respect, Initiative and Learning have shone though during this time.

This has been a particular challenging time for our final year students and, we are extremely proud of their efforts thus far. There is not long to go, so we encourage them to take a few days off to recharge and relax before they begin the last 3-4 weeks of study and revision which will see the end of a major milestone, the completion of secondary schooling! All students completing a VCE subject are expected at school to complete the GAT on Tuesday 5th October. Additional communication will be provided closer to the day via Compass.

I encourage you to take the time to peruse the remainder of this newsletter issue to see some of the remarkable work from our children during this lockdown. There are also a range of supports and proactive programs being offered either at Rosehill or through other providers, please avail yourselves of these resources as required.

Finally, on behalf of the Rosehill community, I would like to wish Ms Kerry McKay an enjoyable and relaxing long service leave during Term 4, a well- earned rest! Mr Hosking has been appointed as Acting Assistant Principal for the term.

Wishing you all a safe and happy term break. I hope to see all of our students back on-site next term. Stay safe.

College Calendar

Friday 17th September 2021End of Term 3

2.30pm Finish

Monday 4th October 2021Term 4 Commences

Thursday 7th October 2021Visual Arts Exhibition
6.00 - 8.00 pm
Tuesday 12th October 2021Parent Headspace Workshop

5.30 - 7.00 pm

Friday 15th October 2021Last day of classes for Year 12
Monday 25th October -
Friday 29th October 2021
Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp
Tuesday 26th October -

Friday 29th October 2021

Year 9 City Experience
Wednesday 27th October 2021Year 12 English Exam

Mental Health

Mental health has been at the forefront of all our work at Rosehill Secondary College during 2021. For a Govenment School we are in the very unique and privileged position to have a very strongly skilled wellbeing team to support all our students with their mental health. Our team is comprised of Dora Famulari - Psychologist and Student Wellbeing Coordinator, Vikki Tsoukalas - Psychologist, Caitlin Kennedy - Social Worker and Mental Health Practitioner and Rana Muhana - School Counsellor. In addition, we have Richard St Clair, Kubra Kabardan, Yvette Larubina, Janelle Riley and Bek Gizabehir, Counselling Students undertaking their final placement for the duration of the 2021 school year.

Having such an available Wellbeing Team within our College has enabled us to respond to our students’ wellbeing needs, in the very challenging climate that the pandemic has produced.

This year our Wellbeing Team is continuing to provide support to many students for a variety of presenting issues. During remote learning, we have continued to engage with students through varied means such as video, telephone, email and even phone texts. Our team personalises the counselling sessions to cater to the individual preferences of our students, to ensure all students feel comfortable to continue to access support whilst off site.

To further support our students, we have collaborated with Headspace to provide a workshop to our year 10 cohort to offer strategies and resources to assist them to improve their “Coping with COVID Stress”. Due to the positive feedback received from students who participated in the workshop, we are now planning to run this workshop with other year levels during Term 4, 2021.

We have also organised a lunchtime club which takes place every Tuesday and Thursday on Google Meet, to teach useful strategies and engage students to participate in helpful activities that will reduce stress.

At Rosehill we adopt a community approach and see it as our duty to recognise the challenges that have confronted parents during remote learning and to provide support. Andrew Fuller, Clinical Psychologist and author was welcomed into our Rosehill family and tasked with this important assignment. Parents who were present benefitted greatly from the presentation, and feedback was extremely positive. Andrew also provided resources for our school community on many adolescent issues which can be accessed from his website:

Looking ahead into Term 4, the school will be running:

Mental Health Education Workshops - which are organised by headspace and will be presented to year level cohorts on a variety of topics including:

    • Coping strategies and self-care for good mental health and wellbeing
    • Learning how they can support their friends to access support
    • Learning how to manage stress during times of change
    • Understanding bullying and mental health.

    An evening workshop to again support parents and carers with a focus on supporting the mental health and wellbeing of the young people in their care. - Headspace Parent and Carer workshop

    Upon our return to onsite learning the following group programs will also take place to support our students who have had a really challenging year:

      For Year 7 students to support them in strengthening their connections and sense of belonging at Rosehill, as a response to the impact of remote learning - Building Connections Program

        Empowering students with mindfulness-based skills and strategies to allow them to manage their wellbeing - Mindfulness for Wellbeing Management:

        A program developed by the Butterfly Foundation using an evidence-based approach to promote positive body image. Teaching young people how to be kind to their own bodies and to others - Guided Meditation Lunchtime Club – active participation in meditation - Body Kind

            Whilst we are on school break we have provided a list of supports and services that can be accessed by parents and students as required.

            Useful online resources

            • The Resilience Program - - A hub of activities and ideas to bring gratitude, empathy and mindfulness to day-to-day life: from kitchen table conversations to bedtime stories and backyard expeditions.
            • Reach Out - - Resources and information about a wide range of issues related to mental and physical health and school for students, parents, carers and teachers.

            Useful APPS:

            • Headspace
            • Mylife
            • Smiling Mind
            • Wysa: Mental Health Support
            • Sanvello: anxiety and depression

            Local Services

            • Moonee Valley Youth Services

   - One-on-one support – we offer free and confidential sessions where we can work with you to set goals and provide support with things such as education support, housing, looking for work, financial stress, mental health and wellbeing, and family and peer relationships. (shorter wait times than other mental health services)

   - Offer a range of programs and events to involve young people

            Whilst on school break, the six simple steps below may be used to help alleviate anxiety symptoms and relieve daily stress:

            1. Breathing – simple breathing can relieve stress. Research has found that taking six deep breaths can help relieve stress and calm yourself down. Method - always breathe in from the nose and out from the mouth. Exhale slowly through the mouth, making your outbreath as slow as possible. Research has shown that by breathing in through your nose, you get three times more oxygen into the bloodstream, whilst breathing out slowly as if you are breathing out from a straw, slows down the heart rate bringing an immediate state of calm to the body.
            2. Gratitude – thinking about things that you are grateful for produces the positive feel-good neurochemicals. By shifting your thoughts from things that are causing you stress to the positive aspects existing in your life, you are actively changing your mindset. Practicing gratitude is as easy as thinking about how lucky you are to be able to have a meal, or be around loved ones, have fresh air to breathe and much more.
            3. Exercise – alleviates stress. Research has found that the actual movement of looking forward and having things pass by in your peripheral vision calms down the sympathetic nervous system (the heightened state within) and turns up the parasympathetic nervous system (the calm state within) which brings on a feeling of tranquillity and calm.
            4. Music – listening to music is also beneficial in reducing anxious symptoms. Studies have found that the most calming song ever created is ‘Weightless’ by Marconi Union, but any soothing music that has a calming effect is useful.
            5. Writing – getting things that are stressing you out of your brain and onto a piece of paper, can help calm you down. By working through the stressors, anxiety is removed. Using a solution focussed technique by asking the question: 'What can I do to remove the stress that this (the stressor) is causing?' helps one focus and work through stressful issues to return to a relaxed state of mind.
            6. Caffeine reduction/removal – will create a sense of calm within. Caffeine is a stimulant that stirs up the sympathetic nervous system. By drinking too many caffeinated drinks such as: Coke, Red Bull, Coffee we are causing stress within our body, by reducing these we are putting ourselves in a good position to be less stressed.

              By implementing the above strategies into your daily routine when stressed and anxious, you can help yourself and your family remove stress and reach a state of calm.

              Wishing the Rosehill Community good health and a safe break.

              Dora Famulari and the Wellbeing Team



              Headspace Parent Information Session

              Educational and Developmental Psychology Telehealth Services


              eBook & Audio Books

              Suggested Holiday Reading


              username: student ID

              password: library1


              by R.J. Palacio Series Audio Book – Ebook

              August Pullman was born with a facial difference that, up until now, has prevented him from going to a mainstream school, but his new classmates can’t get past Auggie’s extraordinary face.

              The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

              by John Boyne
              Audio Book – Ebook

              While exploring his new environment, Bruno meets another boy whose life and circumstances are very different to his own, and their meeting results in a friendship that has devastating consequences.

              Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

              by J.K. Rowling
              Series - Audio Book – Ebook

              Just as he’s packing his bags, Harry receives a warning from a strange impish creature who says that if Harry returns to Hogwarts, disaster will strike.


              by Christopher Paolini
              Series – Audio Book – Ebook

              Can Eragon take up the mantle of the legendary Dragon Riders? The fate of the Empire may rest in his hands.

              I am number four

              by Pittacus Lore - Series – Audio Book – Ebook

              A series about an exceptional group of teens as they struggle to outrun their past, discover their future—and live a normal life on Earth.

              Five Feet Apart

              by Rachael Lippincott - Audio Book

              In this moving story two teens fall in love with just one minor complication—they can’t get within five feet of each other without risking their lives.

              Divine Secrets of the Ya-ya Sisterhood: A Novel

              by Rebecca Wells - Ebook

              A lifetime friendship between four Southern women, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood brilliantly explores the bonds of female friendship, the often-rocky relationship between mothers and daughters, and the healing power of humour and love.

              Water for elephants

              by Sara Gruen - Ebook

              A love between two people that overcomes incredible odds in a world in which even love is a luxury that few can afford.

              Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life

              by Rachel Renee Russell - Series - Audio Book

              New school. New mean girl. New crush. New diary so I can spill about all of it…

              Pride and Prejudice

              by Jane Austen - Audio Book

              The romantic clash between the opinionated Elizabeth and her proud beau, Mr. Darcy, is a splendid performance of civilized sparring.

              Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

              by J.K. Rowling - Series – Audio Book

              Discover the curious habits of magical beasts across five continents ..

              Hollow City - Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children

              by Ransom Riggs - Series – Audio Book

              Having escaped Miss Peregrine’s island by the skin of their teeth, Jacob and his new friends must journey to London, the peculiar capital of the world…..

              The safest lies

              by Megan Miranda
              Audio Book

              Kelsey knows she’s supposed to keep a low profile for their own protection, but that plan is shattered when she drives off a cliff and is rescued by volunteer firefighter and classmate Ryan Baker.

              It’s not you, it’s me

              by Gabrielle Williams - Ebook

              Time travel, soulmates and serial killers that asks a very big question: Can you ever change your fate?

              Faking It: My Life in Transition

              by Kyle Mewburn
              Biography – Ebook

              Kyle describes this early life and her journey to becoming her own person - a celebrated children's book author, a husband and, finally, a woman.

              Shades of Scarlet

              by Anne Fine - Ebook

              Now Scarlet has to start a new life, and none of it was her choice. Scarlet decides there's only one thing she can write in the notebook. The truth, about everything...

              Thrill Seekers: 15 Remarkable Women in Extreme Sports

              by Ann McCallum Staats- Ebook

              Encompassing a diverse selection of women in extreme and unique sports, this book shares the stories of bold and daring thrill-seekers.

              Penguin bloom

              by Chris Kunz -Ebook

              A young mother whose world is turned upside down after a near-fatal accident leaves her unable to walk.

              Concrete Rose

              by Angie Thomas - Series - Ebook

              Life’s not perfect, but with a fly girlfriend and a cousin who always has his back, Mav’s got everything under control. Until, that is, Maverick finds out he’s a father.

              Kerb Stain Boys

              by Alex Wheatle

              When his best mate Terror and coolest chick in the year Caldonia, cook up a plan to make a quick buck, Briggy hopes this time it might be his chance to shine. Robbing the Post Office

              The Left-Handed Booksellers of London

              by Garth Nix

              Merlin is a young left-handed bookseller (one of the fighting ones), who with the right-handed booksellers (the intellectual ones), are an extended family of magical beings who police the mythic and legendary Old World when it intrudes on the modern world, in addition to running several bookshops.

              Fig Swims The World

              by Lou Abercrombie

              Fig embarks on the adventure of a lifetime. But with her mother closing in, will she be able to keep her head above water and complete her challenge?

              Deep Water

              by Sarah Epstein

              Henry Weaver is missing.
              Three months ago, thirteen-year-old Henry disappeared from The Shallows during a violent storm, leaving behind his muddy mountain bike at the train station.

              Year 7 Money and Markets: Teenage Boss

              ‘Imagine you were the Teenage Boss of all your family’s money and you could buy whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, without having to ask your parents, what sort of boss would you be?’ Based on the television series hosted by Eddie Woo, the Year 7 Money and Markets students were set the challenge to take charge of the family budget.

              Students were well and truly up to the challenge with most making some practical changes to the family budget to achieve extra savings. Overall, students were happy with the changes they made, although the cut backs to café lattes and streaming subscriptions were not necessarily well received by all!

              Comments from students included:

              ‘They think that the changes are reasonable because we spend money on stuff that we don’t need.’

              ‘I think I have a good balance of entertainment and necessities while saving a lot.’

              ‘What surprised me the most was how much was spent on entertainment and groceries.’

              ‘I plan to put the savings away for a holiday fund for when we are able to travel after lockdown ends.’

              ‘I can be really good at saving money and if we stuck to this (the changes) we would be able to save for big things.’

              ‘I have learnt that when preparing a budget, you should think about how it affects everyone and not the benefit you gain from it. Make sure you are being realistic about what you can change and can’t.’

              A huge thank you goes to the parents for helping their child to complete this invaluable activity.

              Nellie Harbourd

              Year 8 Visual Art

              Some very talented pieces from the Year 8 Visual Communication Design class created on Monday 13th September

              Virginia Singleton

              Year 8 3D Art

              Year 8 3D Art - Natural Forms Sculptures

              Year 9 Care Pack

              Recently the Year 9 Coordinators, Ms Cook and Ms Herbert, produced a wellbeing pack for their students. The pack included positive messages from the Year Level Coordinators, advice about seeking help, and a RIL card. Well done to all involved. We are sure that the Year 9 students really appreciate your efforts!

              Year 9 Student Leaders - RU OK Video

              We would like to formally recognise the great work of the Year 9 Student Leaders. The Leaders have been working with Ms Herbert to organise a whole-school event for RU OK Day since the middle of term 1.

              Unfortunately, much of what they had planned was no longer possible. However, they did manage to produce a wonderful video that included strategies for asking ‘R U OK?’ This video was presented to students in period 1 on Wednesday 8th September.

              Well done to Claudia Bradilovich, Ella McKenna Burke, Paige George, Dhiyaneshwaran Jegadesan, Mohd Haider, Samridhi Samridhi, Meike Van Kalken.

              Year 10 Update

              Year 10

              Term 3 has not been without its challenges, however the Year 10s have worked hard to focus on their schoolwork, remaining connected with their peers and teachers. Many encouraging emails of support and hope have been sent to our students, who have responded positively. As a year level, they have shared assemblies, played Kahootz, checked in on-one another, completed work in groups to keep motivation up and had many online conversations with their teachers and peers. In ID Classes students have participated in lessons on Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships and completed a Film Study – The Pursuit of Happyness. Students were also fortunate to participate in a Headspace session, which gave them many resources and strategies to cope with Covid-19 stress and empowered them to take better care of their mental wellbeing.

              During the holidays, students need to take a break from their devices. Instead, they should enjoy their hobbies and the outdoors.

              We wish all our students a well earnt rest and look forward to welcoming them back in Term 4.

              Ms Vossos and Mr Bertoli

              Year 10 Coordinators

              Year 9/10 Textiles

              The Year 9/10 Textile Classes received Wellbeing/Class Equipment during the week.

              Lockdown Art HD 2021

              A Week of Remote Learning with Ms Sikalias

              Remote learning has been a challenge for students and teachers, and my concern is always for the mental and physical health of my students, first and foremost. I notice that students are deteriorating as time goes on, as far as motivation and enthusiasm, so I decided to introduce some fun things to do at the beginning of each lesson. These include:

              • Bringing pets to class, introducing them and getting to know each other's pets
              • Start the lesson with a joke or anecdote anyone wants to share
              • I have been sharing my own funny stories of what goes on in my household, with my children and my dog, to brighten up the students' day
              • We have introduced, 'Wear your sunglasses or hat to Class ' to add a little joy and excitement to lessons
              • Having a chat with each student, asking them individually how they are, and if they need anything, before we start the lesson
              • Students have shared songs with one another on the chat at the end of the lesson, as a way of connecting and socialising virtually
              • Individual chats with students that need to vent or talk, whether it be about the work or life in general

              I think this has helped immensely with the students' general state of mind, and it has also helped me as a teacher connect with my students and interact with them in my lessons. They have been more enthusiastic and that has also helped with their learning.

              Christina Sikalias

              Year 12 Care Pack

              In Week 8 of Term 3 the Senior School Coordinators made over 150 care packs for Year 12 students. The packs included a range of treats and study tools to help them get through the remaining weeks of Term. These packs were delivered by the Principals and Senior School Coordinators.

              University Mathematics at Rosehill in Year 12

              If you are interested in taking University Maths at Rosehill next year please refer to the below information. Mr Hao can help you with any queries you have.

              Some of the benefits are

              • If you enrol in a University of Melbourne undergraduate degree after finishing Year 12, you could receive credit for the subjects you completed as part of your Extension Program studies (without any university tuition fees)
              • Your Extension Program studies can contribute to your ATAR as a fifth or sixth VCE subject. Depending on your mark, three to five points will be added to your ATAR aggregate
              • The University of Melbourne does not charge fees for participation in the Extension Program. There will just be a small fee to cover printing, teaching and learning resources and staff costs
              • You can start building an impressive resume before you’ve even finished secondary school!
              • Online applications for 2022 will open in September 2021 and close at 11.59pm on Sunday 2 January 2022. Students will be informed of their application outcome in mid-January 2022
              • The Extension Program is designed for high achieving students who are looking for an academic challenge. If you have impressive Year 11 results, hold a strong interest in your preferred Extension Program subject area and have the time management skills to complete tertiary subjects in addition to Year 12 studies, this program could be for you.
              • Applicants should check the prerequisite requirements before submitting an application and also seek permission from their school and a parent or guardian.


              Mr Raiti and Ms Vossos have been working closely with our Year 12s over the last six weeks, as they prepare their VTAC course selections for next year. In a fastmoving world we know that people will change careers many times in their life. It has been wonderful to see much positivity and excitement, in discussing future education and career plans with students. So many questions! Parents have also shared in these fruitful discussions. Students will have created a VTAC account and locked in their preferences by 30th September. They will have the opportunity to reorder or change their list on 16th December, once they receive their ATAR. We will be available to assist and support students with any changes during this time. We wish all our Year 12 students an energised break as they prepare for their final weeks of Secondary Education.

              Ms Vossos and Mr Raiti

              Careers Team

              Catch Up Day - Lunch Activities

              On Wednesday 1st September we had a whole-school Catch-Up Day. This day was designed to give students an opportunity to catch up on work and hopefully have some time away from the screen.

              At lunchtime on this day teachers organised some fun activities that students could join. These included;

              • Footy Finals Fever with Mr Hosking & Mr Stubbings

              • Drama Club with Ms Ellis

              • Recipe Swap with Ms Herbert

              • Mindfulness Stretching with Ms Wasif

              • Online UNO with Mr Patch

              • Pets on Parade with Ms Therik

              Thank you to all the teachers who organised sessions!

              The 'Off the Page' Art Competition!

              Time to unleash your creativity! Get your entries in for the Rosehill Art Department’s ‘Off the Page’ Art Competition!

              To enter the competition, recreate an artwork by a famous artist with a twist! You must take the artwork 'Off the Page', meaning that you can't draw/paint/sketch on paper. Send your entries to with a clear picture of your work, and the details of the original artwork (name and artist). Entries close in week 1 of the holidays.

              There are a number of fantastic art kits up for grabs for some lucky participants – you’ve got to be in it to win it!

              For more information about the competition, to find inspiration, and to keep up with some of the entries, head across to the new Rosehill Art and Design Instagram page at @rosehillsc_artanddesign.

              You can pick any famous artwork that you like. If you need some help in finding an artwork, you can use Google Images or look at famous gallery websites like MoMA, The Met, or The NGV.


              Strathmore Family Medical Centre (25 Woodland Street, Essendon VIC 3040) has AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines available.

              Parents, students and school staff are able to book at the clinic for their vaccination.

              The current waiting time is less than 2 weeks.

              Please call the clinic on 03 9088 0288 to make a booking.

              College Newsletter Issue 11 - 16 Sept 2021

              Principal's Report

              I take this opportunity to thank our families and community for their support and resilience during this term. It is now a great opportunity to take some time away from the screen and if you can, spend some time outside in the sun, enjoying the Spring weather. I am hopeful that there will be some easing of restrictions to allow for increased social interaction and that we will see students back at school at some stage during Term 4.

              Despite the lockdown, there has been a great deal of work happening at the College, and in particular planning for Term 4 and for 2022. All students have now completed their course selections and it was terrific to meet (virtually) many of our new families whose children will commence Year 7 in 2022 - we are excited to see a new cohort of students joining the Rosehill community.

              The College timetablers have been working on the complex task of developing a new timetable and schedule for 2022. We hope to maximise student choices and look to offer as many subjects as is feasible.

              The planning for our new building works is well underway and on schedule. We are almost at the end of the Schematic Design phase. Shortly we will commence the Design Development stage, this is when I will be able to share proposed plans with the School Council and school community. What I can say, is that the current plans look amazing!!

              In addition to the capital works program, we did receive just under $200,000 to build an Outdoor Inclusive Reading space adjacent to the library. The planning for this project is also well underway and preliminary drafts have been prepared and are ready to be approved by the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA).

              I take this opportunity to acknowledge the continuous and exceptional work from our teaching and education support staff, not only during this term, but throughout the past 18 months. Together with the support from our families, we have been able to continue to deliver high quality learning and teaching. Our NAPLAN results have been very, very, pleasing for students in Year 7 and 9, with strong results in Reading, Writing and Numeracy which demonstrates that despite setbacks and difficulties, our school values of Respect, Initiative and Learning have shone though during this time.

              This has been a particular challenging time for our final year students and, we are extremely proud of their efforts thus far. There is not long to go, so we encourage them to take a few days off to recharge and relax before they begin the last 3-4 weeks of study and revision which will see the end of a major milestone, the completion of secondary schooling! All students completing a VCE subject are expected at school to complete the GAT on Tuesday 5th October. Additional communication will be provided closer to the day via Compass.

              I encourage you to take the time to peruse the remainder of this newsletter issue to see some of the remarkable work from our children during this lockdown. There are also a range of supports and proactive programs being offered either at Rosehill or through other providers, please avail yourselves of these resources as required.

              Finally, on behalf of the Rosehill community, I would like to wish Ms Kerry McKay an enjoyable and relaxing long service leave during Term 4, a well- earned rest! Mr Hosking has been appointed as Acting Assistant Principal for the term.

              Wishing you all a safe and happy term break. I hope to see all of our students back on-site next term. Stay safe.

              College Calendar

              Friday 17th September 2021End of Term 3

              2.30pm Finish

              Monday 4th October 2021Term 4 Commences

              Thursday 7th October 2021Visual Arts Exhibition
              6.00 - 8.00 pm
              Tuesday 12th October 2021Parent Headspace Workshop

              5.30 - 7.00 pm

              Friday 15th October 2021Last day of classes for Year 12
              Monday 25th October -
              Friday 29th October 2021
              Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp
              Tuesday 26th October -

              Friday 29th October 2021

              Year 9 City Experience
              Wednesday 27th October 2021Year 12 English Exam

              Mental Health

              Mental health has been at the forefront of all our work at Rosehill Secondary College during 2021. For a Govenment School we are in the very unique and privileged position to have a very strongly skilled wellbeing team to support all our students with their mental health. Our team is comprised of Dora Famulari - Psychologist and Student Wellbeing Coordinator, Vikki Tsoukalas - Psychologist, Caitlin Kennedy - Social Worker and Mental Health Practitioner and Rana Muhana - School Counsellor. In addition, we have Richard St Clair, Kubra Kabardan, Yvette Larubina, Janelle Riley and Bek Gizabehir, Counselling Students undertaking their final placement for the duration of the 2021 school year.

              Having such an available Wellbeing Team within our College has enabled us to respond to our students’ wellbeing needs, in the very challenging climate that the pandemic has produced.

              This year our Wellbeing Team is continuing to provide support to many students for a variety of presenting issues. During remote learning, we have continued to engage with students through varied means such as video, telephone, email and even phone texts. Our team personalises the counselling sessions to cater to the individual preferences of our students, to ensure all students feel comfortable to continue to access support whilst off site.

              To further support our students, we have collaborated with Headspace to provide a workshop to our year 10 cohort to offer strategies and resources to assist them to improve their “Coping with COVID Stress”. Due to the positive feedback received from students who participated in the workshop, we are now planning to run this workshop with other year levels during Term 4, 2021.

              We have also organised a lunchtime club which takes place every Tuesday and Thursday on Google Meet, to teach useful strategies and engage students to participate in helpful activities that will reduce stress.

              At Rosehill we adopt a community approach and see it as our duty to recognise the challenges that have confronted parents during remote learning and to provide support. Andrew Fuller, Clinical Psychologist and author was welcomed into our Rosehill family and tasked with this important assignment. Parents who were present benefitted greatly from the presentation, and feedback was extremely positive. Andrew also provided resources for our school community on many adolescent issues which can be accessed from his website:

              Looking ahead into Term 4, the school will be running:

              Mental Health Education Workshops - which are organised by headspace and will be presented to year level cohorts on a variety of topics including:

                • Coping strategies and self-care for good mental health and wellbeing
                • Learning how they can support their friends to access support
                • Learning how to manage stress during times of change
                • Understanding bullying and mental health.

                An evening workshop to again support parents and carers with a focus on supporting the mental health and wellbeing of the young people in their care. - Headspace Parent and Carer workshop

                Upon our return to onsite learning the following group programs will also take place to support our students who have had a really challenging year:

                  For Year 7 students to support them in strengthening their connections and sense of belonging at Rosehill, as a response to the impact of remote learning - Building Connections Program

                    Empowering students with mindfulness-based skills and strategies to allow them to manage their wellbeing - Mindfulness for Wellbeing Management:

                    A program developed by the Butterfly Foundation using an evidence-based approach to promote positive body image. Teaching young people how to be kind to their own bodies and to others - Guided Meditation Lunchtime Club – active participation in meditation - Body Kind

                        Whilst we are on school break we have provided a list of supports and services that can be accessed by parents and students as required.

                        Useful online resources

                        • The Resilience Program - - A hub of activities and ideas to bring gratitude, empathy and mindfulness to day-to-day life: from kitchen table conversations to bedtime stories and backyard expeditions.
                        • Reach Out - - Resources and information about a wide range of issues related to mental and physical health and school for students, parents, carers and teachers.

                        Useful APPS:

                        • Headspace
                        • Mylife
                        • Smiling Mind
                        • Wysa: Mental Health Support
                        • Sanvello: anxiety and depression

                        Local Services

                        • Moonee Valley Youth Services

               - One-on-one support – we offer free and confidential sessions where we can work with you to set goals and provide support with things such as education support, housing, looking for work, financial stress, mental health and wellbeing, and family and peer relationships. (shorter wait times than other mental health services)

               - Offer a range of programs and events to involve young people

                        Whilst on school break, the six simple steps below may be used to help alleviate anxiety symptoms and relieve daily stress:

                        1. Breathing – simple breathing can relieve stress. Research has found that taking six deep breaths can help relieve stress and calm yourself down. Method - always breathe in from the nose and out from the mouth. Exhale slowly through the mouth, making your outbreath as slow as possible. Research has shown that by breathing in through your nose, you get three times more oxygen into the bloodstream, whilst breathing out slowly as if you are breathing out from a straw, slows down the heart rate bringing an immediate state of calm to the body.
                        2. Gratitude – thinking about things that you are grateful for produces the positive feel-good neurochemicals. By shifting your thoughts from things that are causing you stress to the positive aspects existing in your life, you are actively changing your mindset. Practicing gratitude is as easy as thinking about how lucky you are to be able to have a meal, or be around loved ones, have fresh air to breathe and much more.
                        3. Exercise – alleviates stress. Research has found that the actual movement of looking forward and having things pass by in your peripheral vision calms down the sympathetic nervous system (the heightened state within) and turns up the parasympathetic nervous system (the calm state within) which brings on a feeling of tranquillity and calm.
                        4. Music – listening to music is also beneficial in reducing anxious symptoms. Studies have found that the most calming song ever created is ‘Weightless’ by Marconi Union, but any soothing music that has a calming effect is useful.
                        5. Writing – getting things that are stressing you out of your brain and onto a piece of paper, can help calm you down. By working through the stressors, anxiety is removed. Using a solution focussed technique by asking the question: 'What can I do to remove the stress that this (the stressor) is causing?' helps one focus and work through stressful issues to return to a relaxed state of mind.
                        6. Caffeine reduction/removal – will create a sense of calm within. Caffeine is a stimulant that stirs up the sympathetic nervous system. By drinking too many caffeinated drinks such as: Coke, Red Bull, Coffee we are causing stress within our body, by reducing these we are putting ourselves in a good position to be less stressed.

                          By implementing the above strategies into your daily routine when stressed and anxious, you can help yourself and your family remove stress and reach a state of calm.

                          Wishing the Rosehill Community good health and a safe break.

                          Dora Famulari and the Wellbeing Team

                          6 TIPS FOR A HEALTHY HEADSPACE


                          Headspace Parent Information Session

                          Educational and Developmental Psychology Telehealth Services


                          eBook & Audio Books

                          Suggested Holiday Reading


                          username: student ID

                          password: library1


                          by R.J. Palacio Series Audio Book – Ebook

                          August Pullman was born with a facial difference that, up until now, has prevented him from going to a mainstream school, but his new classmates can’t get past Auggie’s extraordinary face.

                          The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

                          by John Boyne
                          Audio Book – Ebook

                          While exploring his new environment, Bruno meets another boy whose life and circumstances are very different to his own, and their meeting results in a friendship that has devastating consequences.

                          Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

                          by J.K. Rowling
                          Series - Audio Book – Ebook

                          Just as he’s packing his bags, Harry receives a warning from a strange impish creature who says that if Harry returns to Hogwarts, disaster will strike.


                          by Christopher Paolini
                          Series – Audio Book – Ebook

                          Can Eragon take up the mantle of the legendary Dragon Riders? The fate of the Empire may rest in his hands.

                          I am number four

                          by Pittacus Lore - Series – Audio Book – Ebook

                          A series about an exceptional group of teens as they struggle to outrun their past, discover their future—and live a normal life on Earth.

                          Five Feet Apart

                          by Rachael Lippincott - Audio Book

                          In this moving story two teens fall in love with just one minor complication—they can’t get within five feet of each other without risking their lives.

                          Divine Secrets of the Ya-ya Sisterhood: A Novel

                          by Rebecca Wells - Ebook

                          A lifetime friendship between four Southern women, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood brilliantly explores the bonds of female friendship, the often-rocky relationship between mothers and daughters, and the healing power of humour and love.

                          Water for elephants

                          by Sara Gruen - Ebook

                          A love between two people that overcomes incredible odds in a world in which even love is a luxury that few can afford.

                          Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life

                          by Rachel Renee Russell - Series - Audio Book

                          New school. New mean girl. New crush. New diary so I can spill about all of it…

                          Pride and Prejudice

                          by Jane Austen - Audio Book

                          The romantic clash between the opinionated Elizabeth and her proud beau, Mr. Darcy, is a splendid performance of civilized sparring.

                          Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

                          by J.K. Rowling - Series – Audio Book

                          Discover the curious habits of magical beasts across five continents ..

                          Hollow City - Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children

                          by Ransom Riggs - Series – Audio Book

                          Having escaped Miss Peregrine’s island by the skin of their teeth, Jacob and his new friends must journey to London, the peculiar capital of the world…..

                          The safest lies

                          by Megan Miranda
                          Audio Book

                          Kelsey knows she’s supposed to keep a low profile for their own protection, but that plan is shattered when she drives off a cliff and is rescued by volunteer firefighter and classmate Ryan Baker.

                          It’s not you, it’s me

                          by Gabrielle Williams - Ebook

                          Time travel, soulmates and serial killers that asks a very big question: Can you ever change your fate?

                          Faking It: My Life in Transition

                          by Kyle Mewburn
                          Biography – Ebook

                          Kyle describes this early life and her journey to becoming her own person - a celebrated children's book author, a husband and, finally, a woman.

                          Shades of Scarlet

                          by Anne Fine - Ebook

                          Now Scarlet has to start a new life, and none of it was her choice. Scarlet decides there's only one thing she can write in the notebook. The truth, about everything...

                          Thrill Seekers: 15 Remarkable Women in Extreme Sports

                          by Ann McCallum Staats- Ebook

                          Encompassing a diverse selection of women in extreme and unique sports, this book shares the stories of bold and daring thrill-seekers.

                          Penguin bloom

                          by Chris Kunz -Ebook

                          A young mother whose world is turned upside down after a near-fatal accident leaves her unable to walk.

                          Concrete Rose

                          by Angie Thomas - Series - Ebook

                          Life’s not perfect, but with a fly girlfriend and a cousin who always has his back, Mav’s got everything under control. Until, that is, Maverick finds out he’s a father.

                          Kerb Stain Boys

                          by Alex Wheatle

                          When his best mate Terror and coolest chick in the year Caldonia, cook up a plan to make a quick buck, Briggy hopes this time it might be his chance to shine. Robbing the Post Office

                          The Left-Handed Booksellers of London

                          by Garth Nix

                          Merlin is a young left-handed bookseller (one of the fighting ones), who with the right-handed booksellers (the intellectual ones), are an extended family of magical beings who police the mythic and legendary Old World when it intrudes on the modern world, in addition to running several bookshops.

                          Fig Swims The World

                          by Lou Abercrombie

                          Fig embarks on the adventure of a lifetime. But with her mother closing in, will she be able to keep her head above water and complete her challenge?

                          Deep Water

                          by Sarah Epstein

                          Henry Weaver is missing.
                          Three months ago, thirteen-year-old Henry disappeared from The Shallows during a violent storm, leaving behind his muddy mountain bike at the train station.

                          Year 7 Money and Markets: Teenage Boss

                          ‘Imagine you were the Teenage Boss of all your family’s money and you could buy whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, without having to ask your parents, what sort of boss would you be?’ Based on the television series hosted by Eddie Woo, the Year 7 Money and Markets students were set the challenge to take charge of the family budget.

                          Students were well and truly up to the challenge with most making some practical changes to the family budget to achieve extra savings. Overall, students were happy with the changes they made, although the cut backs to café lattes and streaming subscriptions were not necessarily well received by all!

                          Comments from students included:

                          ‘They think that the changes are reasonable because we spend money on stuff that we don’t need.’

                          ‘I think I have a good balance of entertainment and necessities while saving a lot.’

                          ‘What surprised me the most was how much was spent on entertainment and groceries.’

                          ‘I plan to put the savings away for a holiday fund for when we are able to travel after lockdown ends.’

                          ‘I can be really good at saving money and if we stuck to this (the changes) we would be able to save for big things.’

                          ‘I have learnt that when preparing a budget, you should think about how it affects everyone and not the benefit you gain from it. Make sure you are being realistic about what you can change and can’t.’

                          A huge thank you goes to the parents for helping their child to complete this invaluable activity.

                          Nellie Harbourd

                          Year 8 Visual Art

                          Some very talented pieces from the Year 8 Visual Communication Design class created on Monday 13th September

                          Virginia Singleton

                          Year 8 3D Art

                          Year 8 3D Art - Natural Forms Sculptures

                          Year 9 Care Pack

                          Recently the Year 9 Coordinators, Ms Cook and Ms Herbert, produced a wellbeing pack for their students. The pack included positive messages from the Year Level Coordinators, advice about seeking help, and a RIL card. Well done to all involved. We are sure that the Year 9 students really appreciate your efforts!

                          Year 9 Student Leaders - RU OK Video

                          We would like to formally recognise the great work of the Year 9 Student Leaders. The Leaders have been working with Ms Herbert to organise a whole-school event for RU OK Day since the middle of term 1.

                          Unfortunately, much of what they had planned was no longer possible. However, they did manage to produce a wonderful video that included strategies for asking ‘R U OK?’ This video was presented to students in period 1 on Wednesday 8th September.

                          Well done to Claudia Bradilovich, Ella McKenna Burke, Paige George, Dhiyaneshwaran Jegadesan, Mohd Haider, Samridhi Samridhi, Meike Van Kalken.

                          Year 10 Update

                          Year 10

                          Term 3 has not been without its challenges, however the Year 10s have worked hard to focus on their schoolwork, remaining connected with their peers and teachers. Many encouraging emails of support and hope have been sent to our students, who have responded positively. As a year level, they have shared assemblies, played Kahootz, checked in on-one another, completed work in groups to keep motivation up and had many online conversations with their teachers and peers. In ID Classes students have participated in lessons on Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships and completed a Film Study – The Pursuit of Happyness. Students were also fortunate to participate in a Headspace session, which gave them many resources and strategies to cope with Covid-19 stress and empowered them to take better care of their mental wellbeing.

                          During the holidays, students need to take a break from their devices. Instead, they should enjoy their hobbies and the outdoors.

                          We wish all our students a well earnt rest and look forward to welcoming them back in Term 4.

                          Ms Vossos and Mr Bertoli

                          Year 10 Coordinators

                          Year 9/10 Textiles

                          The Year 9/10 Textile Classes received Wellbeing/Class Equipment during the week.

                          Lockdown Art HD 2021

                          A Week of Remote Learning with Ms Sikalias

                          Remote learning has been a challenge for students and teachers, and my concern is always for the mental and physical health of my students, first and foremost. I notice that students are deteriorating as time goes on, as far as motivation and enthusiasm, so I decided to introduce some fun things to do at the beginning of each lesson. These include:

                          • Bringing pets to class, introducing them and getting to know each other's pets
                          • Start the lesson with a joke or anecdote anyone wants to share
                          • I have been sharing my own funny stories of what goes on in my household, with my children and my dog, to brighten up the students' day
                          • We have introduced, 'Wear your sunglasses or hat to Class ' to add a little joy and excitement to lessons
                          • Having a chat with each student, asking them individually how they are, and if they need anything, before we start the lesson
                          • Students have shared songs with one another on the chat at the end of the lesson, as a way of connecting and socialising virtually
                          • Individual chats with students that need to vent or talk, whether it be about the work or life in general

                          I think this has helped immensely with the students' general state of mind, and it has also helped me as a teacher connect with my students and interact with them in my lessons. They have been more enthusiastic and that has also helped with their learning.

                          Christina Sikalias

                          Year 12 Care Pack

                          In Week 8 of Term 3 the Senior School Coordinators made over 150 care packs for Year 12 students. The packs included a range of treats and study tools to help them get through the remaining weeks of Term. These packs were delivered by the Principals and Senior School Coordinators.

                          University Mathematics at Rosehill in Year 12

                          If you are interested in taking University Maths at Rosehill next year please refer to the below information. Mr Hao can help you with any queries you have.

                          Some of the benefits are

                          • If you enrol in a University of Melbourne undergraduate degree after finishing Year 12, you could receive credit for the subjects you completed as part of your Extension Program studies (without any university tuition fees)
                          • Your Extension Program studies can contribute to your ATAR as a fifth or sixth VCE subject. Depending on your mark, three to five points will be added to your ATAR aggregate
                          • The University of Melbourne does not charge fees for participation in the Extension Program. There will just be a small fee to cover printing, teaching and learning resources and staff costs
                          • You can start building an impressive resume before you’ve even finished secondary school!
                          • Online applications for 2022 will open in September 2021 and close at 11.59pm on Sunday 2 January 2022. Students will be informed of their application outcome in mid-January 2022
                          • The Extension Program is designed for high achieving students who are looking for an academic challenge. If you have impressive Year 11 results, hold a strong interest in your preferred Extension Program subject area and have the time management skills to complete tertiary subjects in addition to Year 12 studies, this program could be for you.
                          • Applicants should check the prerequisite requirements before submitting an application and also seek permission from their school and a parent or guardian.


                          Mr Raiti and Ms Vossos have been working closely with our Year 12s over the last six weeks, as they prepare their VTAC course selections for next year. In a fastmoving world we know that people will change careers many times in their life. It has been wonderful to see much positivity and excitement, in discussing future education and career plans with students. So many questions! Parents have also shared in these fruitful discussions. Students will have created a VTAC account and locked in their preferences by 30th September. They will have the opportunity to reorder or change their list on 16th December, once they receive their ATAR. We will be available to assist and support students with any changes during this time. We wish all our Year 12 students an energised break as they prepare for their final weeks of Secondary Education.

                          Ms Vossos and Mr Raiti

                          Careers Team

                          Catch Up Day - Lunch Activities

                          On Wednesday 1st September we had a whole-school Catch-Up Day. This day was designed to give students an opportunity to catch up on work and hopefully have some time away from the screen.

                          At lunchtime on this day teachers organised some fun activities that students could join. These included;

                          • Footy Finals Fever with Mr Hosking & Mr Stubbings

                          • Drama Club with Ms Ellis

                          • Recipe Swap with Ms Herbert

                          • Mindfulness Stretching with Ms Wasif

                          • Online UNO with Mr Patch

                          • Pets on Parade with Ms Therik

                          Thank you to all the teachers who organised sessions!

                          The 'Off the Page' Art Competition!

                          Time to unleash your creativity! Get your entries in for the Rosehill Art Department’s ‘Off the Page’ Art Competition!

                          To enter the competition, recreate an artwork by a famous artist with a twist! You must take the artwork 'Off the Page', meaning that you can't draw/paint/sketch on paper. Send your entries to with a clear picture of your work, and the details of the original artwork (name and artist). Entries close in week 1 of the holidays.

                          There are a number of fantastic art kits up for grabs for some lucky participants – you’ve got to be in it to win it!

                          For more information about the competition, to find inspiration, and to keep up with some of the entries, head across to the new Rosehill Art and Design Instagram page at @rosehillsc_artanddesign.

                          You can pick any famous artwork that you like. If you need some help in finding an artwork, you can use Google Images or look at famous gallery websites like MoMA, The Met, or The NGV.


                          Strathmore Family Medical Centre (25 Woodland Street, Essendon VIC 3040) has AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines available.

                          Parents, students and school staff are able to book at the clinic for their vaccination.

                          The current waiting time is less than 2 weeks.

                          Please call the clinic on 03 9088 0288 to make a booking.