Despite the lockdown, there has been a great deal of work happening at the College, and in particular planning for Term 4 and for 2022. All students have now completed their course selections and it was terrific to meet (virtually) many of our new families whose children will commence Year 7 in 2022 - we are excited to see a new cohort of students joining the Rosehill community.
The College timetablers have been working on the complex task of developing a new timetable and schedule for 2022. We hope to maximise student choices and look to offer as many subjects as is feasible.
The planning for our new building works is well underway and on schedule. We are almost at the end of the Schematic Design phase. Shortly we will commence the Design Development stage, this is when I will be able to share proposed plans with the School Council and school community. What I can say, is that the current plans look amazing!!
In addition to the capital works program, we did receive just under $200,000 to build an Outdoor Inclusive Reading space adjacent to the library. The planning for this project is also well underway and preliminary drafts have been prepared and are ready to be approved by the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA).
I take this opportunity to acknowledge the continuous and exceptional work from our teaching and education support staff, not only during this term, but throughout the past 18 months. Together with the support from our families, we have been able to continue to deliver high quality learning and teaching. Our NAPLAN results have been very, very, pleasing for students in Year 7 and 9, with strong results in Reading, Writing and Numeracy which demonstrates that despite setbacks and difficulties, our school values of Respect, Initiative and Learning have shone though during this time.
This has been a particular challenging time for our final year students and, we are extremely proud of their efforts thus far. There is not long to go, so we encourage them to take a few days off to recharge and relax before they begin the last 3-4 weeks of study and revision which will see the end of a major milestone, the completion of secondary schooling! All students completing a VCE subject are expected at school to complete the GAT on Tuesday 5th October. Additional communication will be provided closer to the day via Compass.
I encourage you to take the time to peruse the remainder of this newsletter issue to see some of the remarkable work from our children during this lockdown. There are also a range of supports and proactive programs being offered either at Rosehill or through other providers, please avail yourselves of these resources as required.
Finally, on behalf of the Rosehill community, I would like to wish Ms Kerry McKay an enjoyable and relaxing long service leave during Term 4, a well- earned rest! Mr Hosking has been appointed as Acting Assistant Principal for the term.
Wishing you all a safe and happy term break. I hope to see all of our students back on-site next term. Stay safe.