At Rosehill, we have a range of policies that support our learning environment and ensure a safe and supportive community for our students.
Please visit The Department of Education and Training to view School’s Privacy Policy here.
Rosehill has a supportive environment, with a strong emphasis on student wellbeing and emotional intelligence, relationships and positive behaviours.
Rosehill Secondary College’s Welfare policy is based on the belief that “Students have a right to learn, Teachers have a right to teach.”
The College sees clear links between subject content, teaching styles and the way students behave. Good relationships between staff and students are helped if conflict and misunderstandings are avoided.
Teachers have the right to set class rules which let them teach effectively and students have the right to work in an environment where they can learn.
Students, teachers and parents need to clearly know the rules and the consequences of not following the rules. The rules should be applied consistently.
Teachers should have written classroom management plans and have the right to expect parents’ and the school leadership team’s support when implementing these plans.
The school aims to encourage:
(a) The development of self discipline.
(b) Principles of fairness and honesty.
(c) Respect for the equal rights and opportunities of all people at the College.
(d) Healthy emotional and social development.
The Rosehill Secondary College Welfare and Discipline structure allows the student the right to learn without interruption or interference from other students. All staff members work with this in mind.
Rosehill Secondary College’s Computer User Protocol aims to support the ICT Mission by:
- Encouraging staff and students to employ good computer user practices and ethics.
- Maintaining a computer system that will provide the maximum amount of resources at any time.
Digital learning Internet Social Media and digital Devices
Links to online resources:
Australian Communication and Media Authority
Protect Yourself Online
Victorian Government Department of Justice
South Eastern CASA
Student Helplink
Students are encouraged to use the Rosehill Student Helplink to report Cyber Bullying and any other Cyber Safety issues they would like the Student Welfare Team to follow-up and deal with.
Cyber Bullying Policy
What is Cyber Bullying?
Cyber Bullying involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated and hostile behaviour by an individual or group that is intended to harm others either mentally or physically.
Cyber Bullying can be committed using the internet, digital, gaming and/or mobile technologies.
Activities can include:
- Posting insulting, untrue or malicious messages on social networking sites
- Spreading rumours online
- Making threats using digital technology
- Excluding a young person from an on-line group
- Sending unwanted messages by text, instant messaging or email
- Distributing to others naked or semi naked photographs or images of a sexually explicit or otherwise inappropriate nature.
As soon as a person has been found to engage in any of the above behaviours on two or more occasions, they meet the definition of a ‘Cyber Bully’.
Cyber Bullying frequently occurs out of school. However, where students involved in Cyber Bullying are clearly identifiable by the message or image as belonging to this school (e.g. if they are photographed in school uniform) the school has a clear legal right to become involved.
School Penalties
School penalties will vary according to the severity and frequency of Cyber Bullying behaviour. They may include:
- Informing parents
- Detention
- Counselling
- Being banned from using school digital technologies
- Suspension or expulsion
- Being reported to the Federal Police
- Loss of positions of responsibility at school – e.g house, sports captain, removal from Leadership Group etc.
Criminal Penalties
Students who use technology in an inappropriate fashion could be committing a crime.
It is a criminal offence to:
- Use a phone or Internet to menace, harass or cause offence
- Use a phone or the Internet to make a threat
- Take, receive or distribute sexual images of a minor (someone under 18). You can be charged even if it is a photo of yourself and you agree to it being sent
- Using another’s digital technology for any form of Cyber Bullying can result in a charge of identity theft.
Committing any of the offences listed above can result in a three year jail sentence.

College uniform is compulsory and must be worn in a correct and tidy manner at all times.
Parents are asked to support our policy in relation to college uniform as outlined.
All students are required to change from normal college uniform to sports uniform when they have Physical Education and Sport. All students must wear normal college uniform to and from school.
Click here to learn more about Rosehill Secondary College uniform.
Jewellery & Piercings
No jewellery apart from watches may be worn. Students with pierced ears may only wear one small sleeper or stud in each ear. No facial or body piercing is permitted.
Extreme hair cuts and hair colour is unacceptable.
Makeup and Nail Polish
Makeup and nail-polish, if worn, must be discrete and 'natural'. Students may be required to remove nail-polish for Food Technology practical classes. Nails should be kept at a reasonable and safe length.
All footwear must be plain black leather/suede with plain black laces or straps and buckles. Slip-on, canvas and high top footwear is not permissible.
Socks & Tights
Students must wear plain, white socks or, if wearing the winter skirt, navy tights.
Dress & Skirt Length
The dress and skirt length is to be no more than 7 centimetres above the knee.
The College blazer or shower proof jacket cannot replace the College jumper and must not be worn without the College jumper (7-10/VCE/VCAL).
Hats & Scarves
The only hat to be worn is a black cap. The cap should only be worn during Terms 1 and 4 and at no times should it be worn inside the school buildings. A black or navy blue scarf may be worn during Terms 2 and 3. Beanies are not permitted.
General Appearance
Students should be neatly dressed at all times. Frayed and torn pants are not permitted. Additional clothing such as windcheaters, hoodies and coloured t-shirts are not permitted.
Winter uniform must be worn in Terms 2 and 3 with a four-week change over at the start of Term 2 & Term 4.
The Student School Diary is meant as an important communication tool between teachers and parents. It is not meant as a personal diary for students and it is unacceptable to:
- Decorate pages with photographs, graffiti, liquid paper etc.
- Cover teacher’s written comments
- Rip pages out
- Use two diaries
The diary is used to record extension and redemption dates, failure to submit homework, assignments etc., as well as detention dates and times, out of uniform slip, passes to the library or to see other teachers.
The diary is also to be used to record positive aspects of a student’s progress, academically and socially.
All students are required to have this diary with them at all times and are expected to produce it when requested by teachers.
If a diary is lost, the student is expected to buy a new one from the General Office.
At Rosehill Secondary College, we design and develop teaching and learning programs drawing on the best educational knowledge and practices and strive to offer broad and enriched opportunities to students that are above and beyond what is required in the standard curriculum and what is provided for by Government Funding.
This Parent Payments Policy outlines the ways in which School Councils can request financial contributions from parents.
DET Parent Payment Policy Link:
Year 11 VCE and Vocational Major Parent Payments 2024
Year 12 VCE and Vocational Major Parent Payments 2024
Rosehill Secondary College recognises the importance of the partnership between schools and parents to support student learning, engagement and wellbeing. We share a commitment to, and a responsibility for, ensuring inclusive, safe and orderly environments for children and young people.
Discrimination, sexual and other forms of harassment, bullying, violence, aggression and threatening behaviour are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
We acknowledge that parents and school staff are strongly motivated to do their best for every child. Everyone has the right to differing opinions and views and to raise concerns, as long as we do this respectfully as a community working together.
The Department of Education and Training provides support, advice and guidance to support schools to manage and respond to challenging behaviour of students, parents and staff.
Privacy Collection Notice
Information for students, parents and carers
The Department of Education and Training (the Department) values your privacy and is committed to protecting the personal and health information that schools collect.
All school staff must comply with Victorian privacy law and the Schools’ Privacy Policy. This notice explains how the Department, including Victorian government schools (schools), handles personal and health information. On occasion, specific consent will be sought for the collection and use of information, for example, for a student to receive a health service. Our schools are also required by legislation, such as the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, to collect some of this information.
Throughout this notice, ‘staff’ includes principals, teachers, student support service officers, youth workers, social workers, nurses and any other allied health practitioners, and all other employees, contractors, volunteers and service providers of the school and the Department.
On enrolment, and during the ordinary course of a student’s attendance at a school, schools will collect information about students and their families for the following purposes:
- educating students
- supporting students’ social and emotional wellbeing, and health
- fulfilling legal obligations, including duty of care, anti-discrimination law and occupational health and safety law
- communicating and engaging with parents
- student administration
- school management
supporting policy in relation to student education and wellbeing.
If this information is not collected, schools may be unable to provide optimal education or support to students or fulfil legal obligations.
For example, our schools rely on parents to provide health information about any medical condition or disability that their child has, medication their child may take while at school, any known allergies and contact details of their child’s doctor. If parents do not provide all relevant health information, this may put their child’s health at risk.
Our schools also require current, relevant information about all parents and carers so that schools can take account of safety concerns that affect their children. Parents should provide schools with copies of all current parenting plans and court orders about or that affect their children and provide updated copies when they change.
When parents enrol their child in primary school, they will be asked to provide personal and health information in several ways, including via the Enrolment Form, the School Entrance Health Questionnaire (SEHQ) and the Early Childhood Intervention Service (ECIS) Transition Form.
The Enrolment Form is used to collect information that is essential for the purposes listed above, and requests information such as:
- Emergency contacts – Individuals parents nominate for a school to contact during an emergency. Parents should ensure that their nominated emergency contact agrees to their contact details being provided to the school and that they understand their details may be disclosed by the Department if lawful, e.g. in the case of emergency communications relating to bush fires or floods.
- Student background information – Information about country of birth, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin, language spoken at home and parent occupation. This information enables the Department to allocate appropriate resources to schools. The Department also uses this information to plan for future educational needs in Victoria and shares some information with the Commonwealth government to monitor, plan and allocate resources.
- Immunisation status – This assists schools to manage health risks and legal obligations. The Department may also provide this information to the Department of Health and Department of Families, Fairness and Housing to assess immunisation rates in Victoria, but not in a way which identifies students.
- Visa status – This is required to process a student’s enrolment.
All schools may use departmental systems and online tools such as apps and other software to effectively collect and manage information about students and families for the purposes listed above.
When schools use these online tools, they take steps to ensure that student information is secure. If parents or carers have any concerns about the use of these online tools, please contact the school.
School staff will only share student and family information with other school staff who need to know to enable them to educate or support the student as described above. Information will only be shared outside the school (and outside the Department) as required or authorised by law, including where sharing is required to meet duty of care, anti-discrimination, occupational health and safety, and child wellbeing and safety obligations. The information collected will not be disclosed beyond the school and Department without parent consent unless such disclosure is lawful.
When a student transfers to another school (including Catholic, independent and interstate), personal and/or health information about that student may be transferred to the next school. Transferring this information is in the best interests of the student and assists the next school to provide the best possible education and support to the student. For further detail about how and what level of information is provided to the next school, refer to the: Enrolment: Student transfers between schools
Schools only provide school reports and ordinary school communications to students, parents, carers or others who have a legal right to that information. Requests for access to other student information or by others must be made by lodging a Freedom of Information (FOI) application.
To update student or family information, parents should contact their school.
For more information about how schools and the Department collect and manage personal and health information, or how to access personal and health information held by a school about you or your child, refer to the: Schools’ Privacy Policy
This policy ensures Rosehill Secondary College parents, carers, staff and students are aware of the processes and procedures in place to support students diagnosed as being at risk of suffering from anaphylaxis. It also ensures that Rosehill Secondary College is compliant with Ministerial Order 706 and the Department’s guidelines for anaphylaxis management.
This policy applies to:
- all staff, including casual relief staff and volunteers
- all students who have been diagnosed with anaphylaxis, or who may require emergency treatment for an anaphylactic reaction, and their parents and carers.
To explain to our school community the Department’s and Rosehill’s policy requirements and expectations relating to students using mobile phones and other personal mobile devices during school hours.
This policy applies to:
- All students at Rosehill Secondary College and,
- Students’ personal mobile phones and other personal mobile devices, brought onto school premises during school hours, including recess and lunchtime.
Rosehill Secondary College welcomes feedback, both positive and negative, and is committed to continuous improvement. We value open communication with our families and are committed to understanding complaints and addressing them appropriately. We recognise that the complaints process provides an important opportunity for reflection and learning.
We value and encourage open and positive relationships with our school community. We understand that it is in the best interests of students for there to be a trusting relationship between families and our school.
Please access updated policies here:
RSC Statement of Values Policy School Philosophy 2022
RSC Student Wellbeing & Engagement Policy
Rosehill Secondary College is a child safe organisation which welcomes all children, young people and their families.
We are committed to providing environments where our students are safe and feel safe, where their participation is valued, their views respected, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. Our child safe policies, strategies and practices are inclusive of the needs of all children and students.
We have no tolerance for child abuse and take proactive steps to identify and manage any risks of harm to students in our school environments.
We promote positive relationships between students and adults and between students and their peers. These relationships are based on trust and respect.
Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy
Rosehill Child Safe Code of Conduct
Rosehill Secondary College strives to create an open and inclusive school community and encourages parents and carers to be actively involved in their child’s development and education. We also strive to foster strong partnerships with local community services, schools and other organisations.
Rosehill Secondary College is not a public place. The Principal has the authority to permit or deny entry to school grounds, and encourages all visitors to familiarise themselves with our school’s Statement of Values and School Philosophy, Child Safety Policy, Child Safety Code of Conduct, Volunteers Policy
From time to time, different members of the public may visit our school. Please see policy for further detail.
RSC Visitors Policy 2023 update
Camps and excursions can provide a valuable educational experience for our students which are complementary to their learning, as they provide access to resources, environments and expertise that may not be available in the classroom.
This policy applies to all camps and excursions organised by Rosehill Secondary College. This policy also applies to adventure activities organised by Rosehill SC, regardless of whether or not they take place on or off school grounds,
This policy is intended to complement the Department’s policy and guidelines on excursions, camps and adventure activities which all Victorian government schools are required to follow. Rosehill Secondary College will follow both this policy, as well as the Department’s policy and guidelines when planning for and conducting camps and excursions.
Rosehill Secondary College Camps and Excursions Policy 2023
For all camps and excursions, including adventure activities, our school will follow the Department’s Policy and Advisory Library: Excursions.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure the school community understands our school’s approach to first aid for students.
RSC Health Care Needs Policy 2022
First aid for anaphylaxis and asthma are provided for in our schools:
- Anaphylaxis Policy
- Asthma Policy
This policy does not include information on first aid requirements for COVID-19. Our school follows the Department’s operational guidance for first aid management relating to COVID-19.
The purpose of this policy is to
- ensure all children of compulsory school age are enrolled in a registered school and attend school every day the school is open for instruction
- ensure students, staff and parents/carers have a shared understanding of the importance of attending school
- explain to school staff and parents the key practices and procedures Rosehill Secondary College has in place to
- support, monitor and maintain student attendance
- record, monitor and follow up student absences
This policy applies to all students at Rosehill Secondary College.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the Department of Education and Training’s School Attendance Guidelines. It does not replace or change the obligations of Rosehill Secondary College, parents and School Attendance Officers under legislation or the School Attendance Guidelines.