Welcome back for Term 3. I hope the recent term break gave students and families an opportunity to relax and refresh.
We welcome the following people to our staff this term - replacing teachers on various leave.
Billy Liberidis, who is replacing Laura Jago.
Lina Liousas, who is replacing Shannon Smith.
Veronica Filippone, who is replacing George Pavlidis.
Levena Hayes and Amanda Watts join our administration team.
We also warmly welcome Bethany Tattersall and Peter Furneaux after their respective periods of leave.
At the end of last term families received the Semester 1 reports for their child - please take time to read through the reports with them. You will have an opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss the progress of your child at the Parent Student Teacher Conferences. For students studying Year 12 subjects, the virtual interviews will take place this Thursday, 28th July, between 2:00pm and 4:30pm. Bookings can be made on Compass. For students in Years 7 to 11, interviews will take place on Thursday 8th September. Further information will be sent closer to the date.
Our community will be well aware of the challenges schools are facing at present due COVID, Influenza and other respiratory illnesses creating increased staff and student absences, and the impact of staff shortages, generally across the education sector making it more difficult to fill teaching and non-teaching vacancies. I have sent families information about the wearing of masks while indoors, which is strongly encouraged as an effective way to reduce the spread of illnesses. We have placed a supply of masks in each classroom for students to access. I would like to acknowledge the work of our teaching and education support staff who are working tirelessly to maintain our programs and services to our students and families, often whilst juggling additional workload to cover unwell colleagues. If you are in touch with your child’s teachers, coordinators, our administration team or other staff members, please take a moment to thank them - your support means a lot.
Term 3 is always a busy time at Rosehill, with many events scheduled. A reminder that all students will be dismissed from school at 1:30pm this Thursday, 28th July, and that Thursday 26th August and Thursday 8th September will be pupil free days due to a Staff Professional Practice Day and Year 7-11 Parent Student Teacher Conferences respectively. Special events taking place this term include a parent webinar on the topics of Consent and Sexting to be held on Monday 1st August, camps for Year 11 and 10 students, the athletics carnival, STEP initiatives workshops, a dance concert, interschool sport and a number of fundraising days organised by students. Teachers also provide their time to run lunch time clubs for students during term, ranging from Cartoon Club to Uno Club to Virtual Reality to Sports Centre Club. Year 12 students will also complete the GAT (General Achievement Test) on Wednesday 7th September.
Importantly, Term 3 is also the time for students to explore and choose their subjects for the 2023 school year. With changes to the VCE and transition of VCAL to the VCE Vocational Major coming into effect next year, there is much for schools to prepare. Students in Years 9 and 10 are completing a comprehensive program during their ID classes to familiarise themselves with the options available. Virtual information sessions for families of Year 9, 10 and 11 students will take place on Tuesday 26th July to ensure parents/guardians are aware of the process and options available for their children. Course counselling and subject selection interviews for Year 9, 10 and 11 students will take place in Week 5 of term. Please check Compass regularly for information posted by Mr Stubbings.
This year the College completes its school review to reflect upon and evaluate our work and achievements over the period of our current School Strategic Plan. From the review, we will prepare for the next phase of our work and develop our next School Strategic Plan. School policies have been updated in line with Department of Education and Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority requirements and I invite parents to review these on the school website https://www.rosehillsc.vic.edu.au/ under Our School > Policies > Minimum Standards Compliance – June 2022.
During Term 4 we will work with an external reviewer and a number of ‘challenge partners’, who will seek input from students, families and School Council as well as staff members and the school leadership team. More information about the review will be provided to our school community over the course of the semester.
Finally, I wish all of our students a productive and fulfilling term, and give particular encouragement to our Year 12 students who are coming towards the end of their secondary schooling. The past few years have been a challenging time for many and I remind you that your teachers, coordinators , wellbeing team and school want the best for you, and are here to assist and support you. Keep working hard and doing your best.
Frances Snow
Acting Principal
Mr Soumalias will return from leave later this term.