From the Principal

Welcome back for Term 3. I hope the recent term break gave students and families an opportunity to relax and refresh.

We welcome the following people to our staff this term - replacing teachers on various leave.

Billy Liberidis, who is replacing Laura Jago.

Lina Liousas, who is replacing Shannon Smith.

Veronica Filippone, who is replacing George Pavlidis.

Levena Hayes and Amanda Watts join our administration team.

We also warmly welcome Bethany Tattersall and Peter Furneaux after their respective periods of leave.

At the end of last term families received the Semester 1 reports for their child - please take time to read through the reports with them. You will have an opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss the progress of your child at the Parent Student Teacher Conferences. For students studying Year 12 subjects, the virtual interviews will take place this Thursday, 28th July, between 2:00pm and 4:30pm. Bookings can be made on Compass. For students in Years 7 to 11, interviews will take place on Thursday 8th September. Further information will be sent closer to the date.

Our community will be well aware of the challenges schools are facing at present due COVID, Influenza and other respiratory illnesses creating increased staff and student absences, and the impact of staff shortages, generally across the education sector making it more difficult to fill teaching and non-teaching vacancies. I have sent families information about the wearing of masks while indoors, which is strongly encouraged as an effective way to reduce the spread of illnesses. We have placed a supply of masks in each classroom for students to access. I would like to acknowledge the work of our teaching and education support staff who are working tirelessly to maintain our programs and services to our students and families, often whilst juggling additional workload to cover unwell colleagues. If you are in touch with your child’s teachers, coordinators, our administration team or other staff members, please take a moment to thank them - your support means a lot.

Term 3 is always a busy time at Rosehill, with many events scheduled. A reminder that all students will be dismissed from school at 1:30pm this Thursday, 28th July, and that Thursday 26th August and Thursday 8th September will be pupil free days due to a Staff Professional Practice Day and Year 7-11 Parent Student Teacher Conferences respectively. Special events taking place this term include a parent webinar on the topics of Consent and Sexting to be held on Monday 1st August, camps for Year 11 and 10 students, the athletics carnival, STEP initiatives workshops, a dance concert, interschool sport and a number of fundraising days organised by students. Teachers also provide their time to run lunch time clubs for students during term, ranging from Cartoon Club to Uno Club to Virtual Reality to Sports Centre Club. Year 12 students will also complete the GAT (General Achievement Test) on Wednesday 7th September.

Importantly, Term 3 is also the time for students to explore and choose their subjects for the 2023 school year. With changes to the VCE and transition of VCAL to the VCE Vocational Major coming into effect next year, there is much for schools to prepare. Students in Years 9 and 10 are completing a comprehensive program during their ID classes to familiarise themselves with the options available. Virtual information sessions for families of Year 9, 10 and 11 students will take place on Tuesday 26th July to ensure parents/guardians are aware of the process and options available for their children. Course counselling and subject selection interviews for Year 9, 10 and 11 students will take place in Week 5 of term. Please check Compass regularly for information posted by Mr Stubbings.

This year the College completes its school review to reflect upon and evaluate our work and achievements over the period of our current School Strategic Plan. From the review, we will prepare for the next phase of our work and develop our next School Strategic Plan. School policies have been updated in line with Department of Education and Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority requirements and I invite parents to review these on the school website under Our School > Policies > Minimum Standards Compliance – June 2022.

During Term 4 we will work with an external reviewer and a number of ‘challenge partners’, who will seek input from students, families and School Council as well as staff members and the school leadership team. More information about the review will be provided to our school community over the course of the semester.

Finally, I wish all of our students a productive and fulfilling term, and give particular encouragement to our Year 12 students who are coming towards the end of their secondary schooling. The past few years have been a challenging time for many and I remind you that your teachers, coordinators , wellbeing team and school want the best for you, and are here to assist and support you. Keep working hard and doing your best.

Frances Snow

Acting Principal

Mr Soumalias will return from leave later this term.


Tuesday 26th July 2022

Virtual Subject Selection Information Sessions
- Year 11 to Year 12 - 5:30pm
- Year 10 to Year 11 - 6:00pm
- Year 9 to Year 10 - 6:45pm

Thursday 28th July 2022Year 12 Parent Teacher Virtual Interview 2:00pm - 4:30pm

Students dismissed at 1:30pm

Monday 1st August 2022Parent Webinar

Consent & Sexting 6:30pm -7:30pm

Tuesday 2nd August 2022Athletics Carnival
Friday 5th August 2022Jeans for Genes Day - Casual Clothes Day
Gold Coin Donation
Monday 8th August 2022Subject Selection Interviews

- Year 10 into Year 11 ISP Students
- Year 9 into Year 10 Enhanced
- Year 11 into Year 12 Students

Tuesday 9th August 2022Year 10 into Year 11 Subject Selection Interviews

No Year 10 classes on this day

Wednesday 10th August 2022Year 9 into Year 10 Subject Selection Interviews

No Year 9 classes on this day

Friday 26th August 2022Staff Professional Practice Day

No Students Required - No Classes

Wednesday 7th September 2022Year 12 GAT
Thursday 8th September 2022Year 7-11 Parent Teacher Interviews

9:30am - 6:30pm

Subject Selection and Course Counselling

This term students will select their subjects for the 2023 school year. This important process influences future study and career pathways. At Rosehill, we aim to give our students a comprehensive understanding of the options and pathways available, to give them the greatest opportunity for success in their future endeavours.

Our Year 9 and 10 students started their subject selection process with a special assembly and ID lessons dedicated to investigating subject pathways. Our Year 11 students have also been provided with information on the subject selection process during their English classes.

We encourage parents, carers and students to download and review the 2023 Course Handbooks. These are available on the College website.

On Tuesday 26th July we held a Virtual Subject Selection Parent Information Evening. Our Sub-School Leaders provided a brief overview of the subject selection and course counselling process. This was followed by a Q&A session, with staff members from each faculty available for questions.

In the coming weeks our Year 9, 10 and 11 students will be participating in the Course Counselling Interviews. The Course Counselling Interviews will occur on the dates outlined below. Students will be responsible for booking an appropriate interview time, with the booking system opening on Monday 1st August. Instructions on making a booking will be issued via COMPASS prior to this date.

Monday 8th August

Tuesday 9th August

Wednesday 10th August

Course Counselling Interviews for:

  • 11 into 12 students
  • 10 into 11 ISP students
  • 9 into 10 students accepted into the Enhanced Program

Course Counselling Interviews for 10 into 11

No Year 10 classes on this day

Course Counselling Interviews for 9 into 10

No Year 9 classes on this day

We ask parents, carers and students to continue to check COMPASS and their email as we share information and updates in the coming weeks.

Will Stubbings

Acting Assistant Principal

School Policies

School Policies have been updated in line with Department of Education and Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority requirements. Parents may review these on the school website under Our School > Policies > Minimum Standards Compliance – June 2022.

Library News

Year 10 Work Experience

Congratulations to our Year 10 Students for participating in the Work Experience Program during the last two weeks of Term 2.

Placements varied in their work type, location, work environment, and programs offered. Students performed many different activities and they got to see what the job they had chosen was really like. They obtained some insight into the skills the job requires and whether they were suited to it. Some students were offered part-time employment.

We hope their experience inspires them to think about their future career; and that they continue to broaden their knowledge of the different careers available to them and the various pathways students take to get there.

A special thanks to all the employers who participated in our program and supported our students. We thank all parents and the Year 10 ID Teachers who helped students in preparing for their placements. Thank you to all the staff who visited our students whilst they were out on Work Experience.

Ms Nadia Vossos

Work Experience Coordinator

SMEC Australia

The first time I travelled up the sky-high elevator of Tower 4, Collins Square and arrived at the SMEC lobby, I felt so nervous. I didn’t know what to expect. All I had known was that I would be working with civil engineers in urban development. However, when the Team Administrator came to collect another work experience student and myself from the lobby, she welcomed us with much kindness, and presented us with welcoming gifts. She then took us for a tour of the office and introduced us to most of the team. At this point my nerves calmed down somewhat, and I knew I made the right decision completing my work experience at SMEC.

On a usual day in the office, I would check my schedule. Depending on what was organised would determine what I would complete for the day. Most scheduled tasks were team meetings, client meetings, and graduate development sessions. At times when I was not scheduled in a meeting, I was given AutoCAD assignments to create roads and footpaths according to a plan. Using and working with AutoCAD was a skill that I had not learnt to a high level, this was such a challenge. However, once I got the hang of basic functions thanks to the team around me, using AutoCAD was one of the major highlights whilst working at SMEC.

On some days I was scheduled to go on site with the construction engineers. When on site, I was required to complete an onsite report, attend client, contactor, and engineer meetings, and observe the contractors’ tasks. Once observed it would compare them to the plan (similar to a construction engineer). Going on site was another main highlight of my work experience.

By the time I finished my placement, the mere thought of school would bore me as I was experiencing something new and was having so much fun working and socialising with the people at SMEC. All the employees I met at SMEC were kind, helpful and passionate about their work. I was just getting started. I thanked SMEC again for allowing me the wonderful opportunity to work amongst them and learn from them. I had an amazing time and hope that one day I’ll be working alongside them.

Claudia Bradilovich - 10D

Mallee Border Health Clinic

My work experience placement was at Mallee Border Health Clinic, a medical clinic in Pinnaroo, South Australia. Yes, I’m aware of how far that is to go for work experience, but I was able to witness first hand some amazing procedures. From finding veins, taking BP and even assisting with flu vaccines and the surgical removal of moles, I enjoyed every part.

Work experience for me was an opportunity to spend time at a job in a career I’m interested in. My tasks were more so directed towards assisting the doctors and nurses rather than working as such, though the main person I was with, Di, gave me research tasks so that I was thoroughly prepared for cases presented.

My expectations for work experience were somewhat low as I didn’t want to live on false hope, but by the end of the two weeks I was more than grateful and appreciative of all the opportunities I was a part of.

Meike Van Kalken - 10H

Minister's Office - Ben Carroll MP

My work experience was great, I loved it, I learnt so much in those two weeks and I got to experience so much.

I did my work experience at Ben Carroll's office down in Niddrie. I got to see some meetings and I got to go out with Ben and see what he does.

We went out and funnily enough when we got out of the car at the Coles we were wearing the exact same outfit! It was really funny because we didn’t know it would happen and the only difference was the colour of our jackets!

We checked out a dangerous entrance between a car-park and we also met with Keilor Football Club. I got to do a few projects in the office that they had written up for me and I also helped sort some of their files into folders. Everyone in the office was really nice and chatted with me, they were really helpful and taught me a lot.

In the second week we got to go to parliament and it was so cool. I got to watch a sitting of the legislative assembly, the last sitting before the winter break and I watched the question time, which was pretty funny and it was such a cool experience to see what things go on and what it’s like inside of Parliament during a sitting week and what some people's roles are.

I loved my work experience a lot and I’m glad I got the opportunity to do it.

Evan McKenna-Burke - 10B

Melbourne Careers Show

The Year 10 Students enjoyed an excursion to the Melbourne Career Show on Friday 15th July. Students had the opportunity to speak to representatives from Universities, TAFES, various Education providers and Employment industries.

Students gained further knowledge into the world of employment and further studies, equipping them to make more informed decisions about future career choices.

Alfio Raiti and Nadia Vossos

Careers Team

Year 11 Outdoor Education - Indoor Rock Climbing

As part of the VCE Outdoor and Environmental Education program, students study understandings of outdoor environments through various stakeholder perspectives, one of which is recreational users.

Rock climbing is a prominent and popular outdoor activity that many adventurers head to the wilderness to pursue. As novice climbers, instead of heading to the cliff faces of the wild, we ventured into CBD for a climbing session focused on developing new skills in a safe and contained environment.

The excursion was characterised by fearless courage, expanding comfort zones and some impressive demonstrations of upper body strength. It was a delightful afternoon adventure and I congratulate the students who attended for their maturity, encouragement, and an inclination to try new and challenging activities.

Emily Nancarrow

Outdoor Education Coordinator

Year 11 VCAL - Road to Zero Excursion

VCAL Year 11 students recently participated in the Road to Zero experience at the Melbourne Museum.

Road to Zero is an educational program devised by the TAC aimed at reducing road trauma in pre-learner/learner drivers. The program builds upon knowledge and awareness that will empower young road users into making safe decisions on the roads.

Our students participated in only one of the two scheduled sessions due to a malfunction of the Virtual reality technology.

The first session was the Road to Zero Experience Space – a gallery showcasing the latest in multi-sensory interactive technologies.

The second was a virtual reality physics experiment, exploring the relationships between speed and friction on a car stopping distances using touch-table and VR technology.

Hopefully the experience helped our students comprehend their vulnerability as road users and to act accordingly.

Ms Vicki Handris

VCAL Coordinator

Craigieburn Line - Buses Replacing Trains

Please note the following information from Metro/Public Transport Victoria regarding disruptions to the Craigieburn train line.

Buses replace trains on the Craigieburn Line

Buses replace trains on sections of the Craigieburn Line:

  • Between Essendon and Broadmeadows from 9:00pm Friday 22nd July to last service Sunday 24th July.
  • Between Essendon and Craigieburn from first to last service, Monday 25th July.

Metro Trains has advised passengers to allow extra travel time, noting that it may be busier during peak times. 

For further details and to plan your journey, visit or call 1800 800 007.  

Newsletter, Issue Nine - 25 July 2022

From the Principal

Welcome back for Term 3. I hope the recent term break gave students and families an opportunity to relax and refresh.

We welcome the following people to our staff this term - replacing teachers on various leave.

Billy Liberidis, who is replacing Laura Jago.

Lina Liousas, who is replacing Shannon Smith.

Veronica Filippone, who is replacing George Pavlidis.

Levena Hayes and Amanda Watts join our administration team.

We also warmly welcome Bethany Tattersall and Peter Furneaux after their respective periods of leave.

At the end of last term families received the Semester 1 reports for their child - please take time to read through the reports with them. You will have an opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss the progress of your child at the Parent Student Teacher Conferences. For students studying Year 12 subjects, the virtual interviews will take place this Thursday, 28th July, between 2:00pm and 4:30pm. Bookings can be made on Compass. For students in Years 7 to 11, interviews will take place on Thursday 8th September. Further information will be sent closer to the date.

Our community will be well aware of the challenges schools are facing at present due COVID, Influenza and other respiratory illnesses creating increased staff and student absences, and the impact of staff shortages, generally across the education sector making it more difficult to fill teaching and non-teaching vacancies. I have sent families information about the wearing of masks while indoors, which is strongly encouraged as an effective way to reduce the spread of illnesses. We have placed a supply of masks in each classroom for students to access. I would like to acknowledge the work of our teaching and education support staff who are working tirelessly to maintain our programs and services to our students and families, often whilst juggling additional workload to cover unwell colleagues. If you are in touch with your child’s teachers, coordinators, our administration team or other staff members, please take a moment to thank them - your support means a lot.

Term 3 is always a busy time at Rosehill, with many events scheduled. A reminder that all students will be dismissed from school at 1:30pm this Thursday, 28th July, and that Thursday 26th August and Thursday 8th September will be pupil free days due to a Staff Professional Practice Day and Year 7-11 Parent Student Teacher Conferences respectively. Special events taking place this term include a parent webinar on the topics of Consent and Sexting to be held on Monday 1st August, camps for Year 11 and 10 students, the athletics carnival, STEP initiatives workshops, a dance concert, interschool sport and a number of fundraising days organised by students. Teachers also provide their time to run lunch time clubs for students during term, ranging from Cartoon Club to Uno Club to Virtual Reality to Sports Centre Club. Year 12 students will also complete the GAT (General Achievement Test) on Wednesday 7th September.

Importantly, Term 3 is also the time for students to explore and choose their subjects for the 2023 school year. With changes to the VCE and transition of VCAL to the VCE Vocational Major coming into effect next year, there is much for schools to prepare. Students in Years 9 and 10 are completing a comprehensive program during their ID classes to familiarise themselves with the options available. Virtual information sessions for families of Year 9, 10 and 11 students will take place on Tuesday 26th July to ensure parents/guardians are aware of the process and options available for their children. Course counselling and subject selection interviews for Year 9, 10 and 11 students will take place in Week 5 of term. Please check Compass regularly for information posted by Mr Stubbings.

This year the College completes its school review to reflect upon and evaluate our work and achievements over the period of our current School Strategic Plan. From the review, we will prepare for the next phase of our work and develop our next School Strategic Plan. School policies have been updated in line with Department of Education and Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority requirements and I invite parents to review these on the school website under Our School > Policies > Minimum Standards Compliance – June 2022.

During Term 4 we will work with an external reviewer and a number of ‘challenge partners’, who will seek input from students, families and School Council as well as staff members and the school leadership team. More information about the review will be provided to our school community over the course of the semester.

Finally, I wish all of our students a productive and fulfilling term, and give particular encouragement to our Year 12 students who are coming towards the end of their secondary schooling. The past few years have been a challenging time for many and I remind you that your teachers, coordinators , wellbeing team and school want the best for you, and are here to assist and support you. Keep working hard and doing your best.

Frances Snow

Acting Principal

Mr Soumalias will return from leave later this term.


Tuesday 26th July 2022

Virtual Subject Selection Information Sessions
- Year 11 to Year 12 - 5:30pm
- Year 10 to Year 11 - 6:00pm
- Year 9 to Year 10 - 6:45pm

Thursday 28th July 2022Year 12 Parent Teacher Virtual Interview 2:00pm - 4:30pm

Students dismissed at 1:30pm

Monday 1st August 2022Parent Webinar

Consent & Sexting 6:30pm -7:30pm

Tuesday 2nd August 2022Athletics Carnival
Friday 5th August 2022Jeans for Genes Day - Casual Clothes Day
Gold Coin Donation
Monday 8th August 2022Subject Selection Interviews

- Year 10 into Year 11 ISP Students
- Year 9 into Year 10 Enhanced
- Year 11 into Year 12 Students

Tuesday 9th August 2022Year 10 into Year 11 Subject Selection Interviews

No Year 10 classes on this day

Wednesday 10th August 2022Year 9 into Year 10 Subject Selection Interviews

No Year 9 classes on this day

Friday 26th August 2022Staff Professional Practice Day

No Students Required - No Classes

Wednesday 7th September 2022Year 12 GAT
Thursday 8th September 2022Year 7-11 Parent Teacher Interviews

9:30am - 6:30pm

Subject Selection and Course Counselling

This term students will select their subjects for the 2023 school year. This important process influences future study and career pathways. At Rosehill, we aim to give our students a comprehensive understanding of the options and pathways available, to give them the greatest opportunity for success in their future endeavours.

Our Year 9 and 10 students started their subject selection process with a special assembly and ID lessons dedicated to investigating subject pathways. Our Year 11 students have also been provided with information on the subject selection process during their English classes.

We encourage parents, carers and students to download and review the 2023 Course Handbooks. These are available on the College website.

On Tuesday 26th July we held a Virtual Subject Selection Parent Information Evening. Our Sub-School Leaders provided a brief overview of the subject selection and course counselling process. This was followed by a Q&A session, with staff members from each faculty available for questions.

In the coming weeks our Year 9, 10 and 11 students will be participating in the Course Counselling Interviews. The Course Counselling Interviews will occur on the dates outlined below. Students will be responsible for booking an appropriate interview time, with the booking system opening on Monday 1st August. Instructions on making a booking will be issued via COMPASS prior to this date.

Monday 8th August

Tuesday 9th August

Wednesday 10th August

Course Counselling Interviews for:

  • 11 into 12 students
  • 10 into 11 ISP students
  • 9 into 10 students accepted into the Enhanced Program

Course Counselling Interviews for 10 into 11

No Year 10 classes on this day

Course Counselling Interviews for 9 into 10

No Year 9 classes on this day

We ask parents, carers and students to continue to check COMPASS and their email as we share information and updates in the coming weeks.

Will Stubbings

Acting Assistant Principal

School Policies

School Policies have been updated in line with Department of Education and Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority requirements. Parents may review these on the school website under Our School > Policies > Minimum Standards Compliance – June 2022.

Library News

Year 10 Work Experience

Congratulations to our Year 10 Students for participating in the Work Experience Program during the last two weeks of Term 2.

Placements varied in their work type, location, work environment, and programs offered. Students performed many different activities and they got to see what the job they had chosen was really like. They obtained some insight into the skills the job requires and whether they were suited to it. Some students were offered part-time employment.

We hope their experience inspires them to think about their future career; and that they continue to broaden their knowledge of the different careers available to them and the various pathways students take to get there.

A special thanks to all the employers who participated in our program and supported our students. We thank all parents and the Year 10 ID Teachers who helped students in preparing for their placements. Thank you to all the staff who visited our students whilst they were out on Work Experience.

Ms Nadia Vossos

Work Experience Coordinator

SMEC Australia

The first time I travelled up the sky-high elevator of Tower 4, Collins Square and arrived at the SMEC lobby, I felt so nervous. I didn’t know what to expect. All I had known was that I would be working with civil engineers in urban development. However, when the Team Administrator came to collect another work experience student and myself from the lobby, she welcomed us with much kindness, and presented us with welcoming gifts. She then took us for a tour of the office and introduced us to most of the team. At this point my nerves calmed down somewhat, and I knew I made the right decision completing my work experience at SMEC.

On a usual day in the office, I would check my schedule. Depending on what was organised would determine what I would complete for the day. Most scheduled tasks were team meetings, client meetings, and graduate development sessions. At times when I was not scheduled in a meeting, I was given AutoCAD assignments to create roads and footpaths according to a plan. Using and working with AutoCAD was a skill that I had not learnt to a high level, this was such a challenge. However, once I got the hang of basic functions thanks to the team around me, using AutoCAD was one of the major highlights whilst working at SMEC.

On some days I was scheduled to go on site with the construction engineers. When on site, I was required to complete an onsite report, attend client, contactor, and engineer meetings, and observe the contractors’ tasks. Once observed it would compare them to the plan (similar to a construction engineer). Going on site was another main highlight of my work experience.

By the time I finished my placement, the mere thought of school would bore me as I was experiencing something new and was having so much fun working and socialising with the people at SMEC. All the employees I met at SMEC were kind, helpful and passionate about their work. I was just getting started. I thanked SMEC again for allowing me the wonderful opportunity to work amongst them and learn from them. I had an amazing time and hope that one day I’ll be working alongside them.

Claudia Bradilovich - 10D

Mallee Border Health Clinic

My work experience placement was at Mallee Border Health Clinic, a medical clinic in Pinnaroo, South Australia. Yes, I’m aware of how far that is to go for work experience, but I was able to witness first hand some amazing procedures. From finding veins, taking BP and even assisting with flu vaccines and the surgical removal of moles, I enjoyed every part.

Work experience for me was an opportunity to spend time at a job in a career I’m interested in. My tasks were more so directed towards assisting the doctors and nurses rather than working as such, though the main person I was with, Di, gave me research tasks so that I was thoroughly prepared for cases presented.

My expectations for work experience were somewhat low as I didn’t want to live on false hope, but by the end of the two weeks I was more than grateful and appreciative of all the opportunities I was a part of.

Meike Van Kalken - 10H

Minister's Office - Ben Carroll MP

My work experience was great, I loved it, I learnt so much in those two weeks and I got to experience so much.

I did my work experience at Ben Carroll's office down in Niddrie. I got to see some meetings and I got to go out with Ben and see what he does.

We went out and funnily enough when we got out of the car at the Coles we were wearing the exact same outfit! It was really funny because we didn’t know it would happen and the only difference was the colour of our jackets!

We checked out a dangerous entrance between a car-park and we also met with Keilor Football Club. I got to do a few projects in the office that they had written up for me and I also helped sort some of their files into folders. Everyone in the office was really nice and chatted with me, they were really helpful and taught me a lot.

In the second week we got to go to parliament and it was so cool. I got to watch a sitting of the legislative assembly, the last sitting before the winter break and I watched the question time, which was pretty funny and it was such a cool experience to see what things go on and what it’s like inside of Parliament during a sitting week and what some people's roles are.

I loved my work experience a lot and I’m glad I got the opportunity to do it.

Evan McKenna-Burke - 10B

Melbourne Careers Show

The Year 10 Students enjoyed an excursion to the Melbourne Career Show on Friday 15th July. Students had the opportunity to speak to representatives from Universities, TAFES, various Education providers and Employment industries.

Students gained further knowledge into the world of employment and further studies, equipping them to make more informed decisions about future career choices.

Alfio Raiti and Nadia Vossos

Careers Team

Year 11 Outdoor Education - Indoor Rock Climbing

As part of the VCE Outdoor and Environmental Education program, students study understandings of outdoor environments through various stakeholder perspectives, one of which is recreational users.

Rock climbing is a prominent and popular outdoor activity that many adventurers head to the wilderness to pursue. As novice climbers, instead of heading to the cliff faces of the wild, we ventured into CBD for a climbing session focused on developing new skills in a safe and contained environment.

The excursion was characterised by fearless courage, expanding comfort zones and some impressive demonstrations of upper body strength. It was a delightful afternoon adventure and I congratulate the students who attended for their maturity, encouragement, and an inclination to try new and challenging activities.

Emily Nancarrow

Outdoor Education Coordinator

Year 11 VCAL - Road to Zero Excursion

VCAL Year 11 students recently participated in the Road to Zero experience at the Melbourne Museum.

Road to Zero is an educational program devised by the TAC aimed at reducing road trauma in pre-learner/learner drivers. The program builds upon knowledge and awareness that will empower young road users into making safe decisions on the roads.

Our students participated in only one of the two scheduled sessions due to a malfunction of the Virtual reality technology.

The first session was the Road to Zero Experience Space – a gallery showcasing the latest in multi-sensory interactive technologies.

The second was a virtual reality physics experiment, exploring the relationships between speed and friction on a car stopping distances using touch-table and VR technology.

Hopefully the experience helped our students comprehend their vulnerability as road users and to act accordingly.

Ms Vicki Handris

VCAL Coordinator

Craigieburn Line - Buses Replacing Trains

Please note the following information from Metro/Public Transport Victoria regarding disruptions to the Craigieburn train line.

Buses replace trains on the Craigieburn Line

Buses replace trains on sections of the Craigieburn Line:

  • Between Essendon and Broadmeadows from 9:00pm Friday 22nd July to last service Sunday 24th July.
  • Between Essendon and Craigieburn from first to last service, Monday 25th July.

Metro Trains has advised passengers to allow extra travel time, noting that it may be busier during peak times. 

For further details and to plan your journey, visit or call 1800 800 007.