Interim reports are available on COMPASS, and this is the final opportunity for parents and students to take stock of their progress this term prior to the final semester reports and lead up to the final units of work for the year and exams for students in Years 9 to 11. As always, I encourage parents to discuss results with their children and focus on elements, which they can influence such as, effort, homework, completion of schoolwork, behaviour, and attendance. If these factors are high, then strong academic results and achievement will usually follow.
Our Year 12 students have now commenced their final VCE exams and should be studying and revising daily until the very last exam. To the students who are seeking pathways that do not require exams, well done and please make use of our wonderful careers team at any stage if additional support is required to secure a pathway.
It was terrific to see the Year 12 students on their celebration day having a great time and enjoying the applause during the parade. I would like to commend this cohort on their maturity and responsible behaviour this year. They have certainly lived the College values of Respect, Initiative and Learning. The right balance of sensible fun and celebration was on display during their final few days of secondary schooling.
Despite the constant delays, the building works are well underway with C wing now demolished. I know this building holds some very vivid memories, especially for the Performing Arts department, but we now look forward to our new modern and purpose-built Performing Arts Centre. I especially look forward to hosting our school productions in our new facility and forging new memories.

This week we commence our school review. The current School Strategic Plan (SSP) has run its course (2018 – 2022). We will use the review as an opportunity to celebrate our successes during this time and identify opportunities for further improvement for our next 4-year cycle.
Our school reviewer, John Haines, the Moonee Valley School Education Improvement Leader (SEIL), Alex Artavila, two challenge partners (current Principals) and our School Council President, John Spasevski, will be key contributors to the review process. Together with student feedback, parent feedback and classroom observations a new plan will be developed that will continue to target DET priorities and specific priorities for our school and community. The new strategic plan will be developed around the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes 2.0 (FISO 2.0).

Finally, I take this opportunity to remind parents that if you have organised to collect your child from school prior to the end of the day, please write a note in their school diary, and or on Compass and remind your child to notify the teacher of their early leavers pass. Our Administration staff are not able to run errands and collect students from class. Announcements are not possible during class time.
Arthur Soumalias