Principal's Report

Interim reports are available on COMPASS, and this is the final opportunity for parents and students to take stock of their progress this term prior to the final semester reports and lead up to the final units of work for the year and exams for students in Years 9 to 11. As always, I encourage parents to discuss results with their children and focus on elements, which they can influence such as, effort, homework, completion of schoolwork, behaviour, and attendance. If these factors are high, then strong academic results and achievement will usually follow.

Our Year 12 students have now commenced their final VCE exams and should be studying and revising daily until the very last exam. To the students who are seeking pathways that do not require exams, well done and please make use of our wonderful careers team at any stage if additional support is required to secure a pathway.

It was terrific to see the Year 12 students on their celebration day having a great time and enjoying the applause during the parade. I would like to commend this cohort on their maturity and responsible behaviour this year. They have certainly lived the College values of Respect, Initiative and Learning. The right balance of sensible fun and celebration was on display during their final few days of secondary schooling.

Despite the constant delays, the building works are well underway with C wing now demolished. I know this building holds some very vivid memories, especially for the Performing Arts department, but we now look forward to our new modern and purpose-built Performing Arts Centre. I especially look forward to hosting our school productions in our new facility and forging new memories.

C Block

This week we commence our school review. The current School Strategic Plan (SSP) has run its course (2018 – 2022). We will use the review as an opportunity to celebrate our successes during this time and identify opportunities for further improvement for our next 4-year cycle.

Our school reviewer, John Haines, the Moonee Valley School Education Improvement Leader (SEIL), Alex Artavila, two challenge partners (current Principals) and our School Council President, John Spasevski, will be key contributors to the review process. Together with student feedback, parent feedback and classroom observations a new plan will be developed that will continue to target DET priorities and specific priorities for our school and community. The new strategic plan will be developed around the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes 2.0 (FISO 2.0).

Fiso 2.0

Finally, I take this opportunity to remind parents that if you have organised to collect your child from school prior to the end of the day, please write a note in their school diary, and or on Compass and remind your child to notify the teacher of their early leavers pass. Our Administration staff are not able to run errands and collect students from class. Announcements are not possible during class time.

Arthur Soumalias



School Policies have been updated in line with Department of Education and Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority requirements. Parents may review these on the school website Our School > Policies > Minimum Standards Compliance – June 2022.


Tuesday 1st November 2022Melbourne Cup Day
Tuesday 8th November 2022

Casual Clothes Day/BBQ

Good Friday Appeal

Thursday 10th November 2022

Year 7 Vaccinations

Year 7 Humanities Field Trip

On Thursday 13th October, 85 very excited Year 7 Humanities students, boarded the Melbourne River Cruises boat for their fieldtrip from Southbank to Williamstown.

Following the initial postponement due to the heavy rain and floods, we couldn’t have asked for a better day with the sun shining and perfect conditions for our fieldtrip.

As we cruised past Southbank, Docklands, the Port of Melbourne and into Williamstown, students took note of the changing landscape and developments that have occurred, and the ‘robots’ that unpack our goods at the Port.

The focus of the day was to compare the liveability factors in Williamstown to the student’s own suburb. We walked along Nelson Place, which is geared for tourists, compared this to the local shopping strips in Ferguson Street and Douglas Parade, and also checked out the housing, particularly on the The Strand.

A bus trip past the Botanical Gardens and Williamstown Beach wasn’t enough to convince students that Williamstown is more ‘liveable’ than their own suburb. The overall consensus seems to be that whilst Williamstown has the beach and great ice-cream shops, they much prefer their own suburbs which have far more recreational activities and shopping options for their age group!

A special thank you to who staff that attended and assisted us on the day: Vicki Handris, Danielle Murray and Michelle Mitchell; we couldn’t have managed without you.

Special thanks also to our wonderful administration team for their assistance leading up to the day, especially with the need to postpone the trip: Levena, Jacinta, Judith, Amanda and Maree.

Nellie Harbourd, Emily Nancarrow and Bethany Tattersall


Health and PE

The College celebrated Health and PE Week from Monday 10th to Friday 14th October.

The PE staff organised a 3 on 3 basketball competition for each year level in the ECA. The week then culminated with a Staff v Year 12 Student basketball game. The staff won 28 to 23. Great effort!

All events were well attended by students and staff.

Celebration Day

On Tuesday 18th October the Year 12 students celebrated their final day at Rosehill Secondary College.

Students participated in a parade where the entire school watched and clapped and wished them well as Year 12 students walked around the oval.

They later enjoyed a lunch provided by the school, participated in fun photo booth memories, and were officially farewelled.

There were lots of smiles but also some tears as the Year 12 students disembarked the school grounds, some walking through the gates for the last time.

On behalf of the entire school, we would like to wish the year 12’s the best of luck on their final VCE exams! We thank them for their contributions to the Rosehill Secondary College community.

Fiona Morabito Valerie Zivcic


Polished Man

On Friday 8th October the Year 9 Student Leaders planned a casual clothes day and BBQ in support of the Polished Man Foundation.

This Foundation supports trauma prevention and recovery programs in Australia and around the world that aim to stop violence before it can occur, as well as helping survivors on their road to recovery.

The Polished Man campaign encourages people to take a stand against violence by painting one nail blue.

Unfortunately, due to heavy rain, the BBQ area was washed out. The BBQ was then rescheduled for Tuesday 12th October.

The Year 9 Student Leaders were able to pivot to these new conditions and managed to produce a very successful BBQ, and a Karaoke activity.

The BBQ and Casual Clothes day raised over $1,200 for the Polished Man Foundation.

A big thank you to Ms Mortensen for helping the Student Leaders facilitate this event.

Sports Update

Congratulations to the Year 8 boys’ volleyball team who won the divisional round at the interschool sports.

The boys will progress to the Western Regional competition in early November.

Sustainable Book Shop - Buy Second-hand

Parents and students may wish to investigate buying and selling textbooks via the Sustainable School Shop website. Uniform items are also available.

Their textbook stocktake is updated once every 24 hours to include all newly listed for sale ads and can be accessed via the Sustainable School Shop website

Log-in to the website:

  • To sell a book: click Sell Books and follow the prompts, price and condition guidance is provided. Please remember to delist your ads as your items sell.
  • To buy a book: click Find Books, then click on the items you need to get the contact details of the seller.

Buyers make direct contact with sellers and exchange of goods and payment takes place by arrangement between buyer and seller.

Newsletter, Issue Fifteen - 31 Oct 2022

Sustainable Book Shop - Buy Second-hand

Parents and students may wish to investigate buying and selling textbooks via the Sustainable School Shop website. Uniform items are also available.

Their textbook stocktake is updated once every 24 hours to include all newly listed for sale ads and can be accessed via the Sustainable School Shop website

Log-in to the website:

  • To sell a book: click Sell Books and follow the prompts, price and condition guidance is provided. Please remember to delist your ads as your items sell.
  • To buy a book: click Find Books, then click on the items you need to get the contact details of the seller.

Buyers make direct contact with sellers and exchange of goods and payment takes place by arrangement between buyer and seller.
