Principal's Report

The Year 12 exams are almost complete. It has been a tremendous effort to be able to safely and effectively run our exams on-site and mitigate the risk of school closure. I would like to acknowledge all the students, staff and parents who have been so cooperative in helping us manage this process.

On behalf of all the staff at Rosehill, we wish all our Year 12 students the best of luck with their future endeavours. What a terrific effort to successfully complete your final two years! Our Graduation venue has informed the College that they have additional capacity (whilst adhering to current rules and restrictions), so it’s extremely pleasing to be able to offer additional seats to family members. We look forward to formally celebrating our final year students’ completion of secondary school in a somewhat traditional and normalised manner on Monday 13th December.

Our Year 11 students have commenced their Semester 2 exams which will conclude on Friday 12th November. They will then transition into Year 12 orientation for two weeks. We hope the Orientation program allows for an insight into the strong work ethic required to be successful in Year 12. The easiest and possibly most important summer work all students should do (especially Year 12) is to read ALL their novels. I cannot emphasise this enough. Current Year 11 students should start now.

A reminder that truncated Year 10 exams will take place on 25th and 26th November. Year 9 students will not have official exams this year. The Junior school team is working on some exciting activities for our students in the lead up to the end of year and I hope all parents/guardians encourage their children to attend these activities in the final weeks of school.

I would like to thank Mr Ross and Ms Snow for organising and running the PAT testing over the past fortnight. This data is exceptionally valuable and together with the very pleasing NAPLAN results for our current Year 7 and Year 9 students, we can plan and target areas of need. Under the leadership of Ms Bruckard, the English faculty are currently running a Year 10 intervention program working with targeted students in the lead up to their exams and the Year 10 to 11 orientation program.

As you may recall, the College has been working with a few literacy consultants over the past few years and we are very pleased to have Adjunct Professor Misty Adoniou work with us for a second time this year. She will join us on 10th December and will be working with our English faculty and literacy staff to further embed our work on writing and enhancing the passion of writing.

Arthur Soumalias


College Calendar

Friday 26th NovemberLast day for Year 11
Monday 29th November - Wednesday 1st DecemberYear 10 to 11 Orientation

Wednesday 1st December

Last day for Year 10
Thursday 2nd DecemberPAT Testing, 2022 Year 7

4.00 pm - 6.00 pm

Tuesday 7th DecemberYear 7, 2022 Orientation Day
Wednesday 8th DecemberSTEP Digital Portfolio Evening 6.00pm
Thursday 9th DecemberCurriculum Day
Monday 13th DecemberYear 12 Graduation
Tuesday 14th DecemberAwards Night
Thursday 16th DecemberFinal Day for Students

Students dismissed 2.30pm


Lowes Sale

College Newsletter Issue 14 - 11 Nov 2021

Principal's Report

The Year 12 exams are almost complete. It has been a tremendous effort to be able to safely and effectively run our exams on-site and mitigate the risk of school closure. I would like to acknowledge all the students, staff and parents who have been so cooperative in helping us manage this process.

On behalf of all the staff at Rosehill, we wish all our Year 12 students the best of luck with their future endeavours. What a terrific effort to successfully complete your final two years! Our Graduation venue has informed the College that they have additional capacity (whilst adhering to current rules and restrictions), so it’s extremely pleasing to be able to offer additional seats to family members. We look forward to formally celebrating our final year students’ completion of secondary school in a somewhat traditional and normalised manner on Monday 13th December.

Our Year 11 students have commenced their Semester 2 exams which will conclude on Friday 12th November. They will then transition into Year 12 orientation for two weeks. We hope the Orientation program allows for an insight into the strong work ethic required to be successful in Year 12. The easiest and possibly most important summer work all students should do (especially Year 12) is to read ALL their novels. I cannot emphasise this enough. Current Year 11 students should start now.

A reminder that truncated Year 10 exams will take place on 25th and 26th November. Year 9 students will not have official exams this year. The Junior school team is working on some exciting activities for our students in the lead up to the end of year and I hope all parents/guardians encourage their children to attend these activities in the final weeks of school.

I would like to thank Mr Ross and Ms Snow for organising and running the PAT testing over the past fortnight. This data is exceptionally valuable and together with the very pleasing NAPLAN results for our current Year 7 and Year 9 students, we can plan and target areas of need. Under the leadership of Ms Bruckard, the English faculty are currently running a Year 10 intervention program working with targeted students in the lead up to their exams and the Year 10 to 11 orientation program.

As you may recall, the College has been working with a few literacy consultants over the past few years and we are very pleased to have Adjunct Professor Misty Adoniou work with us for a second time this year. She will join us on 10th December and will be working with our English faculty and literacy staff to further embed our work on writing and enhancing the passion of writing.

Arthur Soumalias

