The focus for the remaining few weeks of the 2021 school year, is to continue to reinforce the school routines and good habits that we know help make school a happy place for our students and staff.
For some, these routines have been thrown askew over the past few months, therefore this has been a strong focus since our return. Locker organisation, getting to class on time, having the correct equipment every lesson, correct uniform, the mobile phone locked away, fully charged laptop each morning are all simple things in isolation but play an important role in ensuring students’ experience a positive day. Often not adhering or meeting these aspects of a school day can cause angst, so I ask that you continue to support your children and our school, by helping them be organised and well prepared each morning for the remainder of this year.
Our current Year 11 cohort has just completed a two-week Year 12 orientation program and can now have a well-earned rest. I strongly recommend that they use some of the time between now and the end of 2021 to read their novels. Year 10 have just completed the truncated exam program and will commence Year 11 orientation on Monday 29th
November. Their final day will be Wednesday 1st December.
Thank you to Ms Bruckard and the team of Year 10 English staff who delivered a targeted literacy support program for Year 10 students over the past three weeks.
Year 9 students have finally had their individual careers consultation to review their Morrisby assessment. This has been a terrific initiative from DET in recent years, and I know many students use this assessment and findings to help consolidate possible future pathways.
Well done to Mr Raiti and the staff who supported this program. It may even provide ideas and possibilities for Year 10 work experience in 2022.
Elephant Ed were onsite and conducted age-appropriate workshops on consent for our Year 9 students on Wednesday 24th November. As lead SWPB school and a Respectful Relationships school these workshops help us provide clarity and understanding around the interpretation of positive consent. 97% of students who participated indicated that they would like a continuation of similar programs.
Next week on Friday 3rd December, students in Years 7-9 will have an athletics day at school. This is in lieu of the Athletics Carnival. Thank you to Mr Sarpa and the Health and Physical Education department who have organised this day to provide an opportunity for students to participate in a range of activities, concluding with a staff vs Year 9 students Ultimate Frisbee challenge.
Activities week will start on Monday 13th December for students in Years 7-9 and will culminate in year level excursions scheduled for Thursday 16th December. Year 7 will make their way to the East Keilor Leisure Centre pools, Year 8 to Bounce in Essendon Fields and Year 9 will spend some time shopping in Harbour Town. This will be an early finish day at 2.30pm. Payment can be made via Compass for these programs.
I also take this opportunity to inform you that as of 2022, Rosehill will have a different student management and wellbeing structure. The college is moving to a three-sub school system, with a Year 7/8 sub school, Year 9/10 sub school and a Year 11/12 sub school. There will be a leading teacher in charge of each sub school. Year level and assistant coordinators will remain in place like previous years.
Finally, I would like to congratulate Tori Foster and Nathan Roberts appointed School Captains for 2022, who will be well supported by Vice Captains Danielle Choo Koon and Anoosha Thambi. They will work and lead many of our highly capable student leaders across the school. Thank you to all the Year 11 students who undertook this process in what was the most competitive in recent times. It was a very strong field with many capable candidates, a true testament to the college’s many leadership offerings helping to develop leadership capacity for our children.
Kind regards,
Arthur Soumalias