I take this opportunity to remind families that mask compliance and regular hand hygiene is vitally important during this time. Next week there will be easing of mask wearing outdoors but the requirement for indoor spaces and public transport remains the same - mask wearing is compulsory. This is an important aspect in our defence against the spread of Covid-19 and as I recently discovered, the enhanced compliance of mask wearing does limit the spread and increases the likelihood that a school will remain open if there is a confirmed positive case onsite. Your support in helping educate and enforcing this vital requirement for all our children, and staff, is very much appreciated and acknowledged.
As mentioned in communication via Compass last week, and again this week, Monday, 1st November is a self-directed learning day. This provides an opportunity for all students to catch up on work and for more senior students to review/study completed work in the lead up to Year 11 and 10 exams. Onsite attendance is only available for senior VCE students completing the Psychology and/or Further Mathematics Year 12 exam. The library will be available for these students as a quiet study space. Staff will use this day to plan and adjust their teaching programs for the remainder of Term 4, and use data, such as the recently completed PAT testing to help identify learning needs for student cohorts and individuals. All year levels will be in attendance onsite, every day, from Wednesday, 3rd November.
Finally, I would like to wish our senior students and their families the very best of luck over the next couple of weeks. It is traditionally a very stressful time for students and the entire household during Year 12 VCE exam time, this year probably more than ever before. Encourage, support and help your teenager to eat well, exercise, get ample sleep and drink lots of water during this time.
Kind regards,
Arthur Soumalias