A Step Towards Success

STEP (Selective Talent Enrichment Program) is designed for intellectually and academically capable students. The program is also intended for students who also have special talents in a range of areas from music to leadership. The program emphasises the importance of collaboration and embraces the social nature of learning.

STEP students at Years 7-9 stay together as a group during their study of the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. Each subject’s curriculum is enriched, accelerated and compacted. Students push into further extension at year 9 to prepare for advanced subjects (and the opportunity for completion of a VCE subject) at year 10. They undertake the balance of their program from a range of units offered by the other Key Learning Areas – Humanities, The Arts, Languages, Technology and Physical Education and Health. They study the core subjects together as a group and study their other subjects with students from outside the STEP group.

Rosehill Secondary College’s STEP Program seeks to develop students who:

Are knowledgeable in:

  • Literacy, numeracy and science;
  • Deep and interconnected learning;
  • Understanding their approaches to thinking and have an awareness of themselves as learners;
  • Their personal well-being and harmony with the environment.

Are developing:

  • Skills of independence and ‘good learning behaviours’;
  • As problem-solvers with analytical and reflective minds;
  • Creatively, with imagination and a willingness to explore;
  • The ability to raise challenging and thoughtful questions;
  • An ability to set goals and targets for future self-improvement and development;
  • The ability to manage knowledge, to evaluate data and process ideas;
  • Effective communication skills.

Live with:

  • Generosity and compassion and act selflessly in serving others;
  • An awareness of the responsibility of their privileged education;
  • A commitment to civic responsibility and as members of a global community;
  • Enthusiasm about assuming leadership roles in the community;
  • The aspiration to live harmoniously and empathetically.


  • Becoming socially at ease with a strong sense of self-esteem and confidence;
  • Aspiring to achieve academic excellence and who have a commitment to personal best in all they do;
  • Developing a strong sense of social justice and a commitment to act;
  • Aware of their role in their local and global communities and who act responsibly and with empathy;
  • Exercising judgement and discernment in matters of morality and ethics.

What is different about our select entry program?

STEP is a flexible program at Rosehill Secondary College in which students have the opportunity to join the program in Year 8 or Year 9.

We are passionate about developing our students at Rosehill Secondary College as not only learners, but well-rounded individuals. To balance the strong academic focus of STEP, our students are provided with opportunities to engage in a number of a workshops throughout the year which aim to develop skills in resilience, collaboration and leadership. These workshops change each year in which STEP students from years 7-9 work in mixed year level groups.

STEP 2026 Information Evening

Monday 6th May 2025 6:00 - 7:00pm

STEP information and application packs will be available on this night

RSVP Tuesday 22nd April 2025

STEP 2026 Information Evening

Request a STEP Application 2026

STEP Information Pack is available including the application and confidential reference forms.
Fill in the form below or contact Maree Kelly at the College.

Request a STEP Application Pack

STEP Selection Criteria

Students whose families wish them to enter the Selective Talent Enrichment Program (STEP) will be required to participate in a selection process.

View Selection Criteria

STEP Process

Take the STEP and Apply

The Process