A Message from the Principal

With the Term 1 holidays upon us, I take this opportunity to wish you all a safe, happy, and healthy term break. I would also like to remind students and particularly senior VCE students to spend some time each day during the next few weeks, reviewing and revising the work undertaken thus far in 2022. Year 12 is a marathon, so a little bit each day and week makes a big difference at the end of the year.

It has been a tremendously busy ten weeks with a great number of wonderful activities and events throughout the term. Yesterday, Parent-Student-Teacher interviews provided an opportunity to see, meet and chat with parents both onsite and online. It was a wonderful occasion for parents and students to speak with their teacher and to take a moment to reflect on what has worked well and to perhaps, put some strategies or structures in place to ensure continued improvement. As the lead learner of our school, I too am constantly reflecting and learning and enjoy listening and considering new possibilities. Many of my conversations with parents were overwhelmingly positive, in particular dialogue concerning our College and the work of our staff in providing a supportive, engaging and challenging learning environment.

There has been a great deal of interschool sport towards the end of this term, and it has been terrific to see our students compete and perform well across a range of team sports - well done, to all for participating and getting active!

I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate our newly elected School Council representatives. The members of School Council for 2022 are:

Parent Representatives - Mark Heintz, Natalija Homatopouls, Christina Kotsafaras (Vice President), Mike Llyod, Michelle Prosenica, John Spasevski (President).

Staff Representatives: Natalie Fitzgerald, Danielle Murray, Will Stubbings, Daria Villani.

Student Representatives: Tori Foster, Nathan Roberts.

I look forward to working with School Council during this year, as we have a number of very big-ticket items that should come to fruition, such as the new building works, the outdoor reading area adjacent to the library and a school review, in addition to the usual work that is necessary to keep the school operating within expected governance requirements. Rosehill continues to be an excellent educational college for our community.

With over six years on School Council and three as President, it is with much sadness but great appreciation that we acknowledge the contribution of our outgoing President Gwenda Griggs. She has been exceptionally supportive of our College during her time on School Council and leaves the school in a better position than when she started. Thank you, Gwenda.

I take this opportunity to remind parents that Term 2 starts on Tuesday 26th April 2022. First week back next term we also have our annual Open Day (Thursday 28th April) and remind parents that this is a pupil free day (except for Year 12 who will attend the VCE Careers Show). In week two Term 2, we have our Open Night, this day will be an early finish for our students in order to prepare our school for the evening tours and presentations.

This week we also received communication from DET that RAT testing will continue for the first four weeks of Term 2. Thank you to families that continue to test and keep our school community safe. There have certainly been many disruptions to learning throughout Term 1 due to COVID, so if we can mitigate the spread it will be of benefit to us all.

Pleasingly we had a visit this week from two members of the East Keilor Rotary Club. The President Yvonne Osborn was here to contribute and donate to the wonderful work of Stephnie Perera Gunawardane in 9E. Along with her peers Omer, Phillip, Eleanor and Olivia organised outside sponsorships for our FOODBANK drive. What a great initiative and fantastic cause.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge the terrific work of all the staff at Rosehill Secondary College throughout this term. Our teachers, our support staff (Administration, Laboratory, Library, Integration, Food Technology, IT, and Maintenance) and the Principal Class have worked tirelessly this term to ensure a very smooth, calm, and successful term one.

Our moral purpose as educators is not only to provide the best learning opportunities for all the students at our College but to also improve our society by raising well-rounded individuals. Our values of Respect, Initiative and Learning (RIL) are central to this belief and underpin our daily work. I trust that these values will hold your child in good stead throughout life. I look forward to continuing our learning journey next term.

Have a relaxing term break.

Arthur Soumalias


College Calendar

Friday 8th AprilEnd of Term 1

2.30pm finish

Tuesday 26th AprilTerm 2 Commences
Thursday 28th April

Open Day - Student Free Day


Rear Window Excursion - Year 12 English

The Year 12 cohort went to ACMI to view the film we are studying in English, Rear Window. We watched Alfred Hitchcock’s 1954 thriller which explored the life of L.B Jeffries trying to uncover the potential murder of one his neighbours while he is confined to his wheelchair and can only piece together what happened through spying through his neighbours’ windows.

The Year 12's were also very lucky as we went to a seminar right after that provided an in depth analysis on the themes, symbolism and cinematic techniques used by Hitchcock. It demonstrated to us that the film is much more complex than what meets the eye and definitely gives us a starting point on how to analyse this film.

A big thank you to the Year 12 English teachers for allowing us to go on the excursion and the ACMI staff for hosting us, as we are sure that we can speak for the cohort that this helped immensely with our studies.

Tori Foster and Nathan Roberts

Year 12 Students

Great Otway National Park Camp - Outdoor Environmental Studies - Year 11

The Year 11 ODES class went on their final trip for the term, an overnight camp exploring the various environments within the Great Otway National Park.

The class was treated to perfect weather for the entire trip. Our first stop was Ironbark Forest where we got to enjoy unique grass trees (nicknamed Grug by the students) and spectacular cliff top views over the beaches around Point Addis.

Further along in Aireys Inlet, we enjoyed a short clifftop walk through the heathland taking in stunning ocean views, as we walked to the iconic Split Point Lighthouse.

At our final destination Lorne, we got to enjoy some of the temporary sculptures on show as we played on the beach and enjoyed our scenic lunch spot.

The real highlight however were the walks into and around camp through the cool green temperate rainforest, where we got to enjoy a number of waterfalls, climbing down into a lush green canyon and admiring the inspiring giant trees and stunning fern gullies along our path.

Year 7 & 8 Humanities

Year 7 Humanities

Year 8 Humanities

Year 10 Japanese Class

Language Exchange Session with our Kogakkan Junior High School in Japan.

On 25th March, our Year 10 Japanese Class participated in a language exchange session with students from our sister school, Kogakkan Junior High School in Japan.

Rosehill Secondary College students participated in the special presentations via google meet which was conducted by our sister school students in English. Presentations were about historical buildings and pottery in Japan.

After each presentation students at the College had the opportunity to ask a few questions and enjoyed having conversations in both English and Japanese with the Kogakkan Students. The meet lasted for 30 minutes. Students from both schools enjoyed the real time communication so much that they asked for more sessions in the future.

Students who participated in the session were Antonios Bekris, Harrison Cardamone, Nicole Chan, Gabriel Dumenden, Paige George, Andrew Gledhill, Andy He, Sulaiman Hereora, Nyle Karabag, Sunny Li, Tyler McMahon-Martin, Vaibhav Mehra, Rosha Milani and Alba Tapia.

A big thank you to Mr Hattori from our sister school for organising this presentation.

Takanori Hayakawa

Languages KLA Leader

Wellbeing Supports for Students During the School Holidays

Newsletter, Issue Five - 08 Apr 2022