It’s been a very busy few weeks at Rosehill Secondary College.
As mentioned in the previous edition we have competed most of our obligations regarding Grade 6-7 transition and we now allow the process to be conducted centrally. We plan for an intake of 200 students as this enables the College to run a comprehensive teaching and learning program and ensures we can cater for the broad range of student capabilities and interests. We pride ourselves as a school that has a strong academic focus with many enrichment and enhancement programs that cater to our high ability students but is also able to provide exceptional opportunities for students across all key learning areas. Visual and Performing Arts, Music Program, Sports, Languages, Humanities, Commerce, Technology, Interpersonal Learning Programs and Science.
Year 10 Work Experience
In recent weeks our Year 10 students have been sourcing and organising their work experience which runs for two weeks at the end of this term, 17th - 28th June. We are one of a few schools that still offers such a comprehensive work experience program and that is testament to work of our Careers team who work tirelessly to ensure Rosehill students have maximum exposure to the workforce and potential career pathways. Once again, I have been suitably impressed with this cohorts’ capacity to secure some amazing placements. Some of the more interesting work experience placements I’ve approved include, work at Universities, Hospitals, health clinics, VCAT, Sound engineering, Game Design, GTAC – biomedical research to name just a few. Well done on securing such terrific experiences and opportunities.
Civics & Citizenship
Last week the Hon Bill Shorten took time out from his busy schedule to address our Year 10 students as part of the College’s Civics and Citizenship program. I was impressed with the quality of questions from the floor and the opportunity afforded to our Year 10 cohort to meet a senior Federal Government minister who was also more than happy to answer the many and varied questions. Thank you to Mr Liberidis for organising this visit.

Over the course of the next few weeks your children will be asked to complete an anonymous online survey about their schooling experience at Rosehill Secondary College. We are after information thus far into the year, and particularly this term. It is vitally important that children take the time to reflect and answer these questions sensibly and with thought. The data collected from this survey is important and is used to help determine the key areas of the college we think need improvement. A significant component of the current Strategic Plan (2022 - 2026) is developed with data such as this as a guide. Please take the time to have a conversation with your children about their thoughts and encourage them to reflect on their experience at Rosehill this year. Please refer to the previous newsletter edition on more information regarding this survey.
Author Visit
Next week a guest author, Will Kostakis, will visit our Year 8 cohort and share his experiences with our children. A passion and love of reading and writing is something we encourage in all children and is certainly a passion of mine. Currently I am reading a novel called, Babel by R.F Kuang and have just borrowed The Year of The Locust by Terry Hayes from our library.
Arthur Soumalias