Principal's Report

Term 2

Welcome back. I hope families enjoyed the time together during the school holidays. This is a short term, only nine weeks. The first few weeks have started well, and we have been fortunate to enjoy some lovely autumn weather. Already much has happened. Our federal member of parliament the Hon Bill Shorten and Naomi Wolfe - Lecturer, Faculty of Education & Arts from the ACU, presented and engaged our Year 10 students as part of their active citizens program. Our Year 12s attended a career expo at Caufield on Thursday 27th April, and by all reports many students found this very beneficial. We hope this has helped solidify future career paths. Our Year 9 students have commenced their Morrisby survey, this is a terrific program that provides individualised assessment for each child and unpacks possible strengths to pursue as a career. Once the testing is finalised, DET will send expert staff out to the school to discuss and review the finding of each student in a 1-1 interview. Most students find this very valuable and helps identify areas of study post-secondary schooling.

Open Day

Thursday 4th May was our annual Open Day, and it was terrific to see so many happy faces. I would like to acknowledge our staff – teaching and educational support, in particular Ms Snow (organiser) and Ms Kelly for putting in the time and effort to make it such a successful day.

Open Evening

A reminder that next Tuesday, 9th May is our Open Evening. The school day will conclude at 1:30pm with all classes running on a reduce time. We thank families and students who volunteer to assist with the evening’s events. We anticipate that the school tours will conclude by 6:45pm, in time for the principal’s address. Most student volunteers will be finished at that time other than our presenters.

Student Leadership Program

Thank you to Ms Hart and Mr Vincent for running our Leadership Program on Friday, 5th May. Our student leaders from across the year levels spent the day discussing all things leadership. We hope our future leaders gain some insights to help them become better people and leaders for our school and the community. We are very fortunate to have so many wonderful children keen to be involved in such programs.


A warm welcome back to Mr Rossitto and Mr Bertoli returning from long service leave – it’s terrific to have two very experienced staff back. In addition, Ms Nan Li returns from a year’s leave to oversee our International Student program.

As you would be aware there is a significant teacher shortage across the state and country, so I it’s vitally important that we are able to fully staff our school and provide consistency for your children and their learning journey. I encourage all parents and guardians to take some time to thank our teachers and staff. The industry is losing so many teachers… some schools are sending children home every day as they are not able to run classes. It only takes a moment to say thank you for your hard work and commitment to making a real difference to society by educating our young people and helping shape them into fine young adults who will contribute positively to our community.

Gym Upgrade

Last year we received close to $500,000 to upgrade our gym toilets, foyer and change rooms. I am pleased to report that this work is due to commence at the end of this term. The tender process is almost complete, and we anticipate a builder to be appointed in the coming weeks.

ATOS Survey

The annual Attitudes to School Survey will be administered this term. This survey has been running for over 20 years and the information collected allows our school to make important decisions on student perception of what’s working well and what might need more attention. Please familiarise yourself with the details provided in this newsletter

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones and air pods must remain in lockers during the school day. As per our Mobile Phone Policy, parents/guardians will need to collect these items from the general office if confiscated. If unable to be collected, they will be securely stored until they are.


Rosehill Secondary College has a strong tradition of regular attendance. I remind parents and guardians that children need to be at school every day unless genuinely ill.

It’s not okay to be away.

Please contact the relevant student management team if you need support with school refusal. There is an expectation that all parents/guardians vigorously support the college attendance policy and actively discourage children from staying home unnecessarily.

School Planners

We require all students to have a school diary and to carry it during school hours. The student diary is used to communicate between school and home. It serves as a record for uniform issues, late to class and out of class passes.

From Week 3, failure to produce the diary when required, will result in a coordinators lunchtime detention regardless of whether a handwritten note is provided.

The student diaries can be purchased from the school office for $7.00.

Arthur Soumalias



School Policies have been updated in line with Department of Education and Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority requirements. Parents may review these on the school website Our School > Policies > Minimum Standards Compliance – June 2022.


Tuesday 9th MayOpen Evening

Students dismissed at 1.30pm

Wednesday 17th MayPerforming Arts Showcase

Thursday 18th May

Melbourne Careers Expo
Monday 22nd MaySchool Council Meeting

Annual General Meeting

Friday 2nd JuneYear 10 and Year 11 Exams

Annual General Meeting 2023

An invitation is extended to the Rosehill Secondary College school community to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held on Monday 22nd May at 5:15pm.

At this meeting, the 2022 Annual Report will be present to the public. Please contact the College on 9337 2488 to indicate attendance.

Attitudes to School Survey


Junior School News

The Junior Sub School Team would like to congratulate the follow students for achieving an Excellence in Work Habits award at the end of Term 1. To be awarded an Excellence in Work Habits award students demonstrated proficient study habits of organisation, effort, consistent completion of work and commitment to learning. The award was determined by the student GPA’s from the interim reports.


Juliette Scifo

Ahmed Lebdeh


Jely Samardjieu

Zoe Selmani


Zara Gazzi

Gabriel Tarallo

Janice Lam


Arie Arthur

Sylvia Choo-Koon


Harley Barnes

Allora Bennet


Mehdi Haider

Kayla McNaughton


Tanay Soni

Srivibha Chandrasekaran


Callan Jones


Sofia Alysandratos

Emanya Nambagodage

Adriana Mohammad Fitri


Talia Celtik

Matthew Chin

Leyla Hamit


Emma Wood

Panagiota Bindevis

Jordan Raimondo


Arian Sajjadi

Ruby Taylor

Billy Hammond


Romy Melienbrock

Isabella Ferraro

Gorja Bhardwaj


Matthew Haweil

Amelia Burrell

Hayden Luong


Alix Dowie

Jordan Kop

Christian Bout


Locy Lam

Lauren Vu

Natal Stevanovic


Shae Sawbridgeworth

Leanne Tran

Lucy Hince

Peer Support Program 2023

Building Connections – Building Future Leaders

The Peer Support Program is an important, and integral, part of the transition process for our Year 7s at Rosehill, with many of our older students choosing to become Peer Support Leaders because of their positive experiences with the Peer Support Program when they were in Year 7. The Peer Support Program not only supports our new students as they move into high school, but builds supportive and positive connections between students, and builds our future leaders.

The Peer Support Program enables student leaders to develop their skills and capabilities in managing small teams, to design and coordinate group tasks, to develop organisational and communication skills, and to develop their own leadership and capabilities.

The Peer Support Program provides a supportive, inclusive, and welcoming environment for our junior students, and and at the same time introduces them to our school values: Respect, Initiative and Learning. The year 7s made excellent presentations in their home groups which is also designed to start them on their leadership journey: taking part in public speaking, working as team, and showing initiative in a range of activities. They were amazing!

Classroom teachers also commented on how the presentations enabled them to get to know their students better, and encouraged students to demonstrate respect, empathy, and kindness for their peers.

I would also like to say a big thank you to all the supervising teachers who gave up their classes to support the Year 7 and Year 11 students throughout the term, and for their positive, supportive feedback.

I would like to congratulate our Peer Support Leaders on their outstanding achievements throughout the program, time and time again the feedback from supervising teachers has been incredibly positive. I am extremely proud of how our student leaders have grown and taken on the challenges of leading and teaching young learners, all while juggling their own study and work commitments.

This is no mean feat, and they are to be congratulated. Congrats Peer Supporters 😊

I cannot wait to see what our student leaders will achieve, and how they will make their mark on the world as they step boldly into their future.

Ms Hart

Leading Teacher Student Agency & Leadership

Some supervising teachers comments.

“I think that the Peer Support Program that the school offers is a really vital part of the process of transitioning our 7’s into our school community. I also see how it impacts many of the Year 11’s. They recognise the value of helping peer relationships develop with our new students. They also gain an understanding of the responsibilities and skills required to help guide younger people and communicate effectively with them.”

“Year 7s loved it!”

“Dealt with students really well, in a super positive way.”

“Amazing work – great job!”

Some Peer Support Leader Comments

Some Year 7 Comments

“OMG – that was so scary, but so much fun.”

“Ms. how do you make them listen?”

“It’s really hard Sir, how do you do it?”

“The kids are so cute …”

“They were really well-behaved today.”

“Can we do this all year?”

“Can you be our teachers all year?”

“They were good.”

“It was so much fun.”

“I really like it when we went outside and played games.”

“It’s nice when our Peer Support Leaders come and talk to us in the yard”

Reflections From a Peer Support Leader

This year, I was lucky enough to be able to take part in the Peer Support Program and assist in acclimatising Year 7s to the school. My group and I set out to do the best we could and made some really great memories. The program has really helped me get a grasp on leadership and the responsibility it takes to be a teacher. We had some rough instances where we were unsure, but through perseverance we managed to get back on track. This taught me how to manage a group and will be really great experience for later on down the track when I have a career of my own.

With an interest in teaching, this program is a wonderful opportunity to step into the shoes of a teacher and learn the intricacies it takes to guide students and assist them - even if it is a small dose. Not only does this program create a way to demonstrate key leadership skills and experience on your CV, but it also fulfils a crucial need to learn to work in a team, to work collaboratively, and will be helpful throughout life when I, no doubt, will be working with other people. Overall, Peer Support was an extremely fun opportunity and an amazing learning curve for my group and I. Whether you are looking to branch out into teaching, hoping to hone your leadership abilities or just in it for the experience, the Peer Support Program is the perfect stepping stone for all of these. I greatly enjoyed it and am grateful to have been a part of the program.

Paige George

Who Won the Amazing Race????

Group 3

Arie Arthur Madyson Beayni Lachlan Baird William Dugan

Lily Gordon-Blight Summer Gordon-Blight Skaife Wright Krisna Yasa

Who were their Peer Support Leaders?

Charlie-Anne Berenyi, Jasmine You, Emily Turner

Quantum Excursion

Year 10 Systems Technology and Year 11 Systems Engineering students attended an excursion to Quantum Victoria on Friday 28th April to learn and gain hands on experience with the application of electronic circuits and micro controllers (Arduino) to control devices.

Quantum Victoria is one of six Specialist Science and Mathematics Centres established by the Victorian Department of Education and Training. They are a leader in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education.

Understanding how devices are managed and controlled is key to being able to creating new products and also automating manual processes. Students learnt how to control simple devices (turning LEDs on and off via the Arduino controller) through to making a game that they could program and play.

Students will apply the skills that they have learnt in Systems Technology/Engineering projects which they undertake in Years 10-12. It also provides a great foundation for future studies at TAFE and University. The feedback from the students was that they enjoyed the learning experience.

Larry De Cata



On Wednesday 29th March, as part of the My Community unit, our Year 9 Interdisciplinary Studies students hosted the annual Rosefest of 2023 with much success. All the organisers of the food stalls, game activities and Foodbank Victoria drive worked extremely hard to achieve the final results of the day. Our endeavours paid off to create an enjoyable and memorable time for the Year 9 and other students of Rosehill Secondary College who decided to partake in the festivities.

The Year 9 cohort displayed skills which demonstrated an ability to manage both time and money, and to organise sponsors throughout the planning and on the day. Our college was able to enjoy a variety of food including both savoury and sweet ranging from pizza to waffles.

The Music Department provided live entertainment through the school band performing many great songs.

In addition to the delicious food, a number of game stalls allowed students to engage in activities such as pie the teacher, lucky dip, photo booth, coloured hairspray, face painting and other game activities.

After all of our efforts, together as a college we were able to raise approximately $4,300 that included a gold coin donation from the out of uniform day and the generous collection of items for the Foodbank drive. The Keilor East Rotary Club further donated items towards the Foodbank drive, such as hygiene products and non-perishable foods. We would also like to thank teachers, parents and students who contributed to the Foodbank drive. Besides Foodbank Victoria, we made donations to Yooralla Victoria, the Salvation Army and to the Royal Children’s Hospital as part of the Good Friday Appeal.

We would like to thank the Year 9 cohort, the assisting staff and supporting organisations, these donations would not have been possible without the outstanding effort of everyone involved. We are very grateful for all students and teachers who contributed on the day and we thank you all for your donations and help making this event so memorable for the Rosehill community.

We would like to acknowledge the following sponsors:

Clarke and Co Hair Phone: (03) 93316330 Email:

Coles Avondale Heights

Woolworths Broadmeadows

Woolworths Water Gardens

Woolworths Highpoint

Hoffman's Road Fish & Chips


Dear Parents/Caregivers,

If you have a current Health Care Card or Pension Card, you may be eligible for the Camps/Sport/Excursions Fund (CSEF) payment. This funding can be used towards excursions, camps and sporting activities that run throughout the year at Rosehill.

If you applied for CSEF in 2022, and are a current student, you do not need to complete an application form unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.

You will only need to submit a new application form in 2023 if any of the following changes occurred:

  • New student enrolments
  • Change in family circumstances

Schools can accept and process applications up until the end of term two each year. CSEF payments are made to schools from March onwards.

Application forms are available via the department’s website or at the general office.

Please complete and return this form to us along with a copy of your concession card.

Applications for 2023 will close in June 2023.

Levena Hayes