Welcome back for Term 2. I hope your children had the opportunity to relax, recharge and reflect on their learning. I also hope our VCE students spent some time reviewing and summarising their work.
Transition Programs
The start of Term 2 this year is somewhat disruptive with Open Day, Open Evening, and then ANZAC Day. We look forward to reengaging with a daily routine from Week 3. Our Open Day and Open Evening are an important element of our transition calendar and allow us to showcase all the wonderful programs Rosehill has to offer.
I wish to acknowledge all the additional work of all our staff, and student helpers in supporting us to facilitate these programs. The feedback from our community has been overwhelmingly positive. A particular acknowledgement to Ms Snow, Ms Riquelme, Mr Derks, Ms Kumar, Ms Maree Kelly and the Junior School and Administration teams for organising such terrific events and programs over the past fortnight.
Last week was the first opportunity to use our auditorium and it was terrific to showcase the space whilst hosting our local primary school children. A big thank you to the Performing Arts team who not only put on a terrific show but are still learning how to use all the technology associated with the venue.

Staffing Update
I would like to officially welcome back Ms Geerling and Ms Adam who were on leave during Term 1. Heidi Bowles returns from long term leave and will be joining the English faculty. We wish them all the best for the year.
We have also had several new staff commencing this term as we welcome Keran-Anne Thompson who joins our Learning Support team, Dalena Tran joins the International Students program as our Vietnamese Assistant, and Abigail Abuacan and Elizabeth Chan will be supporting the Commerce and Science faculty respectively, as part of the Nexus program, from Latrobe University. David Hales will commence next week as our Maintenance and Grounds Officer. We wish them all a seamless transition.
School Council – Parent Representative - Casual 1-Year Vacancy
The Rosehill Secondary College School Council has a casual one-year vacancy in the parent member category for 2024. School Council meets twice per term on Mondays from 5:15pm to 7:15pm. If any parent is interested in joining the School Council, please contact the Business Manager, Judith Wright.
Facilities Update
The auxiliary building works across many areas of the college are almost complete. The main Capital Works continues now in A Wing with the new roof installed and external cladding well underway. As with all building programs there is still some work needed to ‘beautify’ the grounds and surrounds with landscaping and new surfaces such as turf, asphalt, and concrete. This work will be managed by the school and be completed in stages over the remainder of this year.
Arthur Soumalias