Principal's Report

Dear Parents/Guardians,

It has been a very positive start to Term 3.

Year 10

It was pleasing to see the return of our Year 10 students who spent the last two weeks of term on Work Experience. We hope they have gained an insight into possible future careers and pathways from their time in the workforce. Some big decisions will be required for all students in the coming weeks as they have an opportunity to selected courses for 2025. Please keep a look out for school communication regarding subject selection and information session starting with the Virtual Session tonight (29th July) at 5:30pm for current Year 9, 10 and 11 students.

Year 12

In the coming weeks our Year 12 cohort will have an opportunity to book a 1:1 session with our Careers team to help them navigate the VTAC process required for tertiary offers. Feedback from the exam supervisors during the Unit 3 trial exams was exceptionally positive and they commended the commitment and attitude of the students sitting those exams. Well done to the Year 12 class of 2024.

Year 11 Ski Camp

Last week the Year 11 Ski Camp was held at Mt Buller. I was able to drive up and visit towards the end of the week and it was terrific to see snowboarders and skiers traversing the slopes of Buller. Mr Wallace and Ms Wilson commented on the skill improvement compared to Day 1. Well done to Ms Wilson for organising such a terrific opportunity for our students.

Art Off the Page

This week we look forward to our Performing Arts Production Art Off the Page. Ms Bonett and the team have been working tirelessly for months in preparation for this event. We look forward to the show in our new Auditorium on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

Athletics Day

A reminder that Athletics Day is this Tuesday 30th July. The cut off day for official approval was last week. Students without approval will be supervised at school and must come along with meaningful schoolwork to be completed on the day.

Facilities Update

Over the term break the building upgrades at the college continued. A Wing is almost ready and should be handed over sometime this term.

The surface work in the portable area was completed despite the inclement weather. This space has been transformed and now looks appealing and inviting. It is terrific to see so many students now availing themselves of this new zone.

New shade sails are to be installed in the southeast area of B Wing. The infrastructure has been installed and we are now awaiting the sails and the resurfacing of the asphalt.

Berry Street Education Model Day 3

A reminder to our families that Day 3 training is on Tuesday, 13th August. This is a pupil free day, as all staff will be involved in the next stage of their professional learning.


Individual results have been mailed home. Please take the time to read and reflect on your child’s data.

The NAPLAN proficiency standards include four (4) proficiency levels for each assessment area at each year level:

  • Exceeding: the student's result exceeds expectations at the time of testing.
  • Strong: the student's result meets challenging but reasonable expectations at the time of testing.
  • Developing: the student's result indicates that they are working towards expectations at the time of testing.
  • Needs additional support: the student's result indicates that they are not achieving the learning outcomes expected at the time of testing. They are likely to need additional support to progress satisfactorily.

Pleasingly, I can report continued whole school improvement in our NAPLAN data. We have shown sustained improvement in all key measures of Reading, Writing and Numeracy and have results above Similar and Network schools. This is testament to the programs we run at our school and the work of our staff to help all our children improve and excel.


Finally, I would like to welcome several new staff. Despite the significant teacher shortage across the system, we have been very fortunate to be able to attract a broad range of staff with various degrees of experience and highly sought-after qualifications. We warmly welcome:

  • Sara Grimm has joined our Visual Arts team replacing Ms Singleton who will be on maternity leave soon.
  • Ron Cox is an experienced teacher of science.
  • Faye Moriarty is covering Food Technology whilst Ms Therik is on leave.
  • Andrew Curtolo is part of a teacher re-engagement program and is Maths and IT trained.
  • Zasiah Iqbal joins us for the semester. She is training to be a Science teacher and will provide in-class support.

Arthur Soumalias



School Policies have been updated in line with Department of Education and Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority requirements. Parents may review these on the school website Our School > Policies > Minimum Standards Compliance – June 2022.


Tuesday 30th JulyAthletics Carnival
Wednesday 31st July and Thursday 1st AugustArt Off the Page
Wednesday 7th AugustYear 11 and 12 Parent Teacher Interviews
All students dismissed at 1.30pm
Tuesday 13th AugustCurriculum Day

Pupil Free Day

Monday 5th AugustSchool Council Meeting


Year 12 Japanese Exam Preparation Workshop

During the holidays, Year 12 Japanese students participated in a one-day exam preparation workshop organised by three schools at Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre.

Students learnt written exam tips for comprehension tasks, how to prepare for the extended writing task and they did some oral exam preparation. By participating in these activities, students had an opportunity to share their opinions and ask questions.

They now have a better idea of what is required for the external Japanese exams and how to prepare for them. They also had lunch at Superhiro, a Japanese restaurant. They delighted in Japanese cuisine and had opportunities to talk with Year 12 students learning Japanese from other schools, which was an enjoyable experience.

Students who participated in this workshop were Andrew He, Nyle Karabag and Rosha Milani. I would like to thank Ms Fijita, Ms Bowyer, Ms Nichols from Monash Japanese Language Education Centre and teachers from Nossal High School and Strathmore Secondary College for their support and participation in this workshop.

Takanori Hayakawa


Technology Systems

The Year 7 Technology Systems Class completed a successful first semester, where they learnt key technology concepts as well as completing several projects.

The major project was to design and build a desk/table lamp for a client (mum/dad/grandparent etc).

The key to this project was to understand what the ‘client wanted’ and then to review the finished product with their client.

In future years students will continue to build on concepts such as design briefs and evaluation criteria, which places them well for either further studies or a work setting.

The photo below shows students proudly holding completed projects at the end of Term 2.

Larry De Cata


Student Voice & Leadership

Student Voice in Action

We all know that the female students at Rosehill would like to see some changes to the uniform. At the junior sub school assembly Ms Chapman asked the girls to stay behind and vote on a possible uniform change which involved adding a belt to allow the dress to be tightened. Students overwhelmingly voted ‘no’ to the change because they didn’t like the design – so it’s back to the drawing board.

At Rosehill we listen to and celebrate student voice – we encourage all students to advocate for themselves, and to use their voices to create change, and to speak up for their interests.

Watch this space for further updates …

Junior Sub School Assembly

This year Rosehill introduced sub school assemblies to create a sense of connectedness and enhance school spirit across the cohorts of Junior, Middle and Senior School. These assemblies are not only an opportunity to communicate important information, but a wonderful opportunity to celebrate student achievements and highlights.

The Junior Sub School Assembly always begins with students standing for the national anthem, and an acknowledgement of country.

Students are recognised for excellent attendance, GPAs, effort and participation, and for demonstrating our school values of Respect, Initiative and Learning.

Student leaders regularly speak at these events, which offers students another opportunity to see and hear student voice in action.

My Vote, My Voice – Student Voice at Parliament

Last year six of our students had the opportunity to represent Rosehill Secondary College by presenting a speech in Parliament about human rights.

Blake Fennell, Cillan McKenna Burke, and Evan McKenna Burke worked on the group presentation which was presented in the Legislative Council Camber of the Victorian Parliament by Meike Van Kalken, Xyza Lyle, Paige George.

Yesterday they were presented with certificates and a voucher from Readings to recognise their achievements.

Congratulations to these students who demonstrated the power of student voice by presenting an outstanding speech on the inequity of school funding in Victoria.

Year 12 Students – Saying Goodbye to Term 2 with Cheese Toasties

Shout out to Evan McKenna Burke and Hugo Bliss, School Captain and Senior School Leader, for making and cooking cheese toasties on the last day of term for the Year 12 students.

Congratulations to our Year 12 students for making it though Term 2 – you are all doing a great job. We know sometimes it is really hard and the struggle is real, but we want you to know that Rosehill is really proud of you.

Keep up the awesome work, keep going, and keep making awesome memories of your last year in high school.

Paw Pals – Hanging out with Joosh

In Terms 3 and 4, some of our lucky students will be participating in an amazing program which involves hanging out and having fun with a beautiful dog named Joosh – this program is designed to be fun and interactive, and a space to learn about ‘doggie behaviour’ and responsible and aware interactions.

The students loved their introductory session which involved getting to know Joosh and her ‘Mum’ Chelsie, giving Joosh treats, and of course lots of pats – although I’m not sure if Ms Hart, Ms Kennedy and Mr Kissick loved patting Joosh more …

Sub School Food Stations

Did you know that at Rosehill we offer students access to healthy snacks and fresh fruit every day - this is because we care about our students, and want to make sure no one is hungry. So for those days when students forget their lunch, or lunch money, they can always go to their sub school and respectfully request a snack.

The library also has snacks and fruit available - however it is important that all students demonstrate our core value of Respect, respect for our school environment, and respect for the privilege we have in having this food available to us.

We all have a responsibility to keep our schoolgrounds looking beautiful, and we all need to take pride in our community.

In addition, we should all remind ourselves that food insecurity, where people are struggling to have regular and secure access to food, is unfortunately a growing problem in our world - so let's be grateful for the fact that we all have access to food and fruit, and make sure there is no food wastage or littering in our schoolgrounds.

Colleen Hart


Moonee Valley Carer Peer Support

Community News

Newsletter, Issue 10 -2024 - 29 July 2024

Principal's Report

Dear Parents/Guardians,

It has been a very positive start to Term 3.

Year 10

It was pleasing to see the return of our Year 10 students who spent the last two weeks of term on Work Experience. We hope they have gained an insight into possible future careers and pathways from their time in the workforce. Some big decisions will be required for all students in the coming weeks as they have an opportunity to selected courses for 2025. Please keep a look out for school communication regarding subject selection and information session starting with the Virtual Session tonight (29th July) at 5:30pm for current Year 9, 10 and 11 students.

Year 12

In the coming weeks our Year 12 cohort will have an opportunity to book a 1:1 session with our Careers team to help them navigate the VTAC process required for tertiary offers. Feedback from the exam supervisors during the Unit 3 trial exams was exceptionally positive and they commended the commitment and attitude of the students sitting those exams. Well done to the Year 12 class of 2024.

Year 11 Ski Camp

Last week the Year 11 Ski Camp was held at Mt Buller. I was able to drive up and visit towards the end of the week and it was terrific to see snowboarders and skiers traversing the slopes of Buller. Mr Wallace and Ms Wilson commented on the skill improvement compared to Day 1. Well done to Ms Wilson for organising such a terrific opportunity for our students.

Art Off the Page

This week we look forward to our Performing Arts Production Art Off the Page. Ms Bonett and the team have been working tirelessly for months in preparation for this event. We look forward to the show in our new Auditorium on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

Athletics Day

A reminder that Athletics Day is this Tuesday 30th July. The cut off day for official approval was last week. Students without approval will be supervised at school and must come along with meaningful schoolwork to be completed on the day.

Facilities Update

Over the term break the building upgrades at the college continued. A Wing is almost ready and should be handed over sometime this term.

The surface work in the portable area was completed despite the inclement weather. This space has been transformed and now looks appealing and inviting. It is terrific to see so many students now availing themselves of this new zone.

New shade sails are to be installed in the southeast area of B Wing. The infrastructure has been installed and we are now awaiting the sails and the resurfacing of the asphalt.

Berry Street Education Model Day 3

A reminder to our families that Day 3 training is on Tuesday, 13th August. This is a pupil free day, as all staff will be involved in the next stage of their professional learning.


Individual results have been mailed home. Please take the time to read and reflect on your child’s data.

The NAPLAN proficiency standards include four (4) proficiency levels for each assessment area at each year level:

  • Exceeding: the student's result exceeds expectations at the time of testing.
  • Strong: the student's result meets challenging but reasonable expectations at the time of testing.
  • Developing: the student's result indicates that they are working towards expectations at the time of testing.
  • Needs additional support: the student's result indicates that they are not achieving the learning outcomes expected at the time of testing. They are likely to need additional support to progress satisfactorily.

Pleasingly, I can report continued whole school improvement in our NAPLAN data. We have shown sustained improvement in all key measures of Reading, Writing and Numeracy and have results above Similar and Network schools. This is testament to the programs we run at our school and the work of our staff to help all our children improve and excel.


Finally, I would like to welcome several new staff. Despite the significant teacher shortage across the system, we have been very fortunate to be able to attract a broad range of staff with various degrees of experience and highly sought-after qualifications. We warmly welcome:

  • Sara Grimm has joined our Visual Arts team replacing Ms Singleton who will be on maternity leave soon.
  • Ron Cox is an experienced teacher of science.
  • Faye Moriarty is covering Food Technology whilst Ms Therik is on leave.
  • Andrew Curtolo is part of a teacher re-engagement program and is Maths and IT trained.
  • Zasiah Iqbal joins us for the semester. She is training to be a Science teacher and will provide in-class support.

Arthur Soumalias



School Policies have been updated in line with Department of Education and Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority requirements. Parents may review these on the school website Our School > Policies > Minimum Standards Compliance – June 2022.


Tuesday 30th JulyAthletics Carnival
Wednesday 31st July and Thursday 1st AugustArt Off the Page
Wednesday 7th AugustYear 11 and 12 Parent Teacher Interviews
All students dismissed at 1.30pm
Tuesday 13th AugustCurriculum Day

Pupil Free Day

Monday 5th AugustSchool Council Meeting


Year 12 Japanese Exam Preparation Workshop

During the holidays, Year 12 Japanese students participated in a one-day exam preparation workshop organised by three schools at Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre.

Students learnt written exam tips for comprehension tasks, how to prepare for the extended writing task and they did some oral exam preparation. By participating in these activities, students had an opportunity to share their opinions and ask questions.

They now have a better idea of what is required for the external Japanese exams and how to prepare for them. They also had lunch at Superhiro, a Japanese restaurant. They delighted in Japanese cuisine and had opportunities to talk with Year 12 students learning Japanese from other schools, which was an enjoyable experience.

Students who participated in this workshop were Andrew He, Nyle Karabag and Rosha Milani. I would like to thank Ms Fijita, Ms Bowyer, Ms Nichols from Monash Japanese Language Education Centre and teachers from Nossal High School and Strathmore Secondary College for their support and participation in this workshop.

Takanori Hayakawa


Technology Systems

The Year 7 Technology Systems Class completed a successful first semester, where they learnt key technology concepts as well as completing several projects.

The major project was to design and build a desk/table lamp for a client (mum/dad/grandparent etc).

The key to this project was to understand what the ‘client wanted’ and then to review the finished product with their client.

In future years students will continue to build on concepts such as design briefs and evaluation criteria, which places them well for either further studies or a work setting.

The photo below shows students proudly holding completed projects at the end of Term 2.

Larry De Cata


Student Voice & Leadership

Student Voice in Action

We all know that the female students at Rosehill would like to see some changes to the uniform. At the junior sub school assembly Ms Chapman asked the girls to stay behind and vote on a possible uniform change which involved adding a belt to allow the dress to be tightened. Students overwhelmingly voted ‘no’ to the change because they didn’t like the design – so it’s back to the drawing board.

At Rosehill we listen to and celebrate student voice – we encourage all students to advocate for themselves, and to use their voices to create change, and to speak up for their interests.

Watch this space for further updates …

Junior Sub School Assembly

This year Rosehill introduced sub school assemblies to create a sense of connectedness and enhance school spirit across the cohorts of Junior, Middle and Senior School. These assemblies are not only an opportunity to communicate important information, but a wonderful opportunity to celebrate student achievements and highlights.

The Junior Sub School Assembly always begins with students standing for the national anthem, and an acknowledgement of country.

Students are recognised for excellent attendance, GPAs, effort and participation, and for demonstrating our school values of Respect, Initiative and Learning.

Student leaders regularly speak at these events, which offers students another opportunity to see and hear student voice in action.

My Vote, My Voice – Student Voice at Parliament

Last year six of our students had the opportunity to represent Rosehill Secondary College by presenting a speech in Parliament about human rights.

Blake Fennell, Cillan McKenna Burke, and Evan McKenna Burke worked on the group presentation which was presented in the Legislative Council Camber of the Victorian Parliament by Meike Van Kalken, Xyza Lyle, Paige George.

Yesterday they were presented with certificates and a voucher from Readings to recognise their achievements.

Congratulations to these students who demonstrated the power of student voice by presenting an outstanding speech on the inequity of school funding in Victoria.

Year 12 Students – Saying Goodbye to Term 2 with Cheese Toasties

Shout out to Evan McKenna Burke and Hugo Bliss, School Captain and Senior School Leader, for making and cooking cheese toasties on the last day of term for the Year 12 students.

Congratulations to our Year 12 students for making it though Term 2 – you are all doing a great job. We know sometimes it is really hard and the struggle is real, but we want you to know that Rosehill is really proud of you.

Keep up the awesome work, keep going, and keep making awesome memories of your last year in high school.

Paw Pals – Hanging out with Joosh

In Terms 3 and 4, some of our lucky students will be participating in an amazing program which involves hanging out and having fun with a beautiful dog named Joosh – this program is designed to be fun and interactive, and a space to learn about ‘doggie behaviour’ and responsible and aware interactions.

The students loved their introductory session which involved getting to know Joosh and her ‘Mum’ Chelsie, giving Joosh treats, and of course lots of pats – although I’m not sure if Ms Hart, Ms Kennedy and Mr Kissick loved patting Joosh more …

Sub School Food Stations

Did you know that at Rosehill we offer students access to healthy snacks and fresh fruit every day - this is because we care about our students, and want to make sure no one is hungry. So for those days when students forget their lunch, or lunch money, they can always go to their sub school and respectfully request a snack.

The library also has snacks and fruit available - however it is important that all students demonstrate our core value of Respect, respect for our school environment, and respect for the privilege we have in having this food available to us.

We all have a responsibility to keep our schoolgrounds looking beautiful, and we all need to take pride in our community.

In addition, we should all remind ourselves that food insecurity, where people are struggling to have regular and secure access to food, is unfortunately a growing problem in our world - so let's be grateful for the fact that we all have access to food and fruit, and make sure there is no food wastage or littering in our schoolgrounds.

Colleen Hart


Moonee Valley Carer Peer Support

Community News