Issue 8, 2021 Principal's Report

At the time of writing we unfortunately find ourselves in another lockdown. Nevertheless, we are confident that our staff can continue to deliver quality teaching via remote learning.

Traditionally Term 3 is a significant time for planning as we commence the process of looking toward 2022. Of most importance in the coming weeks is our subject selection process. Ms Snow and the course selection team have been working tirelessly behind the scenes this week to re- adjust all the course selection timelines and processes. Hard copies of course selection resources have been mailed home to all Year 9, 10 and 11 students earlier this week. This information will be required in Week 3. Please take the time to read through the material and attend the virtual information sessions in the coming weeks. Important dates and times will be posted on COMPASS. The Year 7 to 8 and Year 8 to 9 course section timeline occurs later in the term and hopefully this process will not be impacted by the current lockdown.

In Week 1 this term, we were fortunately able to run our production ‘High School Musical.’ I would like to congratulate the student cast, students support (current and ex-students), the live band and the Performing Arts staff who were led by Ms Annette Ellis (Head of Performing Arts) and supported by key staff in Ms Wasif (Dance) Ms Bonnet (Music), Ms Barrett (Voice) and Ms Hayes (Drama). A big thank you to our instrumental music staff who also provided significant support throughout the production. Such a huge undertaking is a significant challenge in the best of times, but this year the cast and crew overcame significant hurdles and challenges, none more so than the need to change venue at the end of Term 2. Despite all the drama, the show was amazing, full of energy, action and, it was so pleasing to see the collegiality, joy and friendship shown by the cast members from across all year levels of the College. Well done to one and all! We look forward to running future shows in our new performing arts area in the coming years.

We have decided to run a virtual parent-student-teacher conference for any students currently completing Year 12 or a Year 12 subject, on Tuesday, 27 July, 2:00- 4:30pm. This will impact the school program for this day. Lessons will run as follows.

Period 1: 9-10am

Period 2: 10 -11am


Period 3: 11.30 -12.30pm

Period 4: 12.30 – 1.30pm

A Compass post was sent to parents explaining how and when to book earlier this week.

Due to the lockdown, we have unfortunately had to cancel the Year 12 camp. The Athletics day scheduled for Friday 30th July has been postponed and a new date and time will be communicated when confirmed. At this stage, a decision on the Ski camp has not been made - we will await further advice from DET before a final decision is made. I can however confirm that the GAT has now been rescheduled for Thursday 12 August 2021.

I have included some basic stretches that can be used by students and parents to minimise screen fatigue. Encourage your student to move around and take regular small breaks throughout the day.

Thank you to all the parents who provided feedback on the recent parent-student-teacher conference survey. Your input is very useful and will help us decide how we run the session on 9th September. A quick snapshot of responses is below. Many of the comments have also been very informative.

A random sample of parents/guardians will have received an email this week with a personalised PIN to complete the parent/guarding opinion survey as required by DET each year. If you have been selected it would be much appreciated if you could take the time to complete the survey.

Finally, this week we farewell Ms Tattersall who is taking maternity leave to have her first child. On behalf of the Rosehill community, we wish Ms Tattersall and her partner all the best for this new chapter in their lives.

Arthur Soumalis


College Calendar

Monday 26th July

Remote Learning

Tuesday 27th JulyRemote Learning

Thursday 12th August

Tuesday 17th AugustSTEP 2022 Testing


Year 10 Work Experience

Congratulations to all Year 10 Students who were able to complete their work experience in the last week of Term 2 or during the recent holidays. Given the current climate, some students had their work experience postponed and we hope that they will have the opportunity to experience the work force in the next school holidays.

Work experience provides insights into the industry and the workplace in which students have chosen. It provides students with the valuable opportunity to develop employability skills, whilst learning about a career of interest.

Placements varied in their sophistication, location, work environment, programs offered and work type. Students performed many different activities, experiencing both the positives and negatives of the job. We received much positive feedback from employers, highlighting students’ enthusiasm, commitment, initiative, and responsibility. Some students were offered a part time job at the completion of their work experience.

We hope the work experience opportunity has given students a taste of the real world of work and inspired them to think about and investigate the different careers the work force has to offer.

A special thanks to all the employers who participated in our program and supported our students. I would also like to thank our parents and Year 10 ID Teachers who helped prepare students for their placements. Thank you to all the staff who made contact with students whilst they were out on Work Experience.

Ms Nadia Vossos

Work Experience Coordinator

VCAL Year 12 students reflect on their community work

Annually, the Year 12 VCAL students commit to a term of volunteer community work. This year’s class has worked at various organisations including St Vincent De Paul, The Helping Hands Mission, The Red Cross, and the Brotherhood of St Laurence.

Students were responsible for contacting organisations, liaising with staff, and reporting back to their class and teacher. They developed their planning, organisational, decision-making and communication skills, but more importantly developed a sense of community and self-worth.

Ms Vicki Handris

VCAL Coordinator

Following is a reflection from Emily, Jaiden, and Jesse:

Hi all,

Our names are Emily, Jesse and Jaiden and we are part of the Year 12 VCAL class at Rosehill.

Every Friday, our class all head out to different organisations and volunteer our time to experience different community workplaces.

We are going to the Red Cross in Moonee Ponds. We couldn’t believe how much we’re actually enjoying the experience. We all thought at the start of the year (when Mrs O’Malley told us that we had to do this) that it is going to be a waste of time and the most boring activity ever. But once we stepped foot into the store, we knew that we was going to love it, and we definitely have.

All of the ladies that work there are gems, they are some of the kindest and sweetest people we’ve ever met. Rose who oversees us, really loves us! They all love all three of us and they never have a bad word to say about us (unless we are all joking around with each other).

The main activities that we do there is steam clothes that are donated, sort through them, tag them and help display the clothes on the floor.

We’ve also noticed a lot of people coming back each week to buy new things and it’s great to help them out for the things that they are wanting to purchase.

It has been an amazing experience and I’ve learnt so much from the organisation.


High School Musical

High School Musical was performed in the school gym on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th July. The show was performed in two matinees for our local primary schools (who were outstanding audience members) and for our parents and friends.

We were incredibly lucky to have performed just before lockdown was announced and the show was a fantastic success. Thankyou to all staff, students and parents and friends for supporting the show. Rosehill is an amazing community and "we're all in this together"!

College Newsletter, Issue 8 - 23 July 2021

Issue 8, 2021 Principal's Report

At the time of writing we unfortunately find ourselves in another lockdown. Nevertheless, we are confident that our staff can continue to deliver quality teaching via remote learning.

Traditionally Term 3 is a significant time for planning as we commence the process of looking toward 2022. Of most importance in the coming weeks is our subject selection process. Ms Snow and the course selection team have been working tirelessly behind the scenes this week to re- adjust all the course selection timelines and processes. Hard copies of course selection resources have been mailed home to all Year 9, 10 and 11 students earlier this week. This information will be required in Week 3. Please take the time to read through the material and attend the virtual information sessions in the coming weeks. Important dates and times will be posted on COMPASS. The Year 7 to 8 and Year 8 to 9 course section timeline occurs later in the term and hopefully this process will not be impacted by the current lockdown.

In Week 1 this term, we were fortunately able to run our production ‘High School Musical.’ I would like to congratulate the student cast, students support (current and ex-students), the live band and the Performing Arts staff who were led by Ms Annette Ellis (Head of Performing Arts) and supported by key staff in Ms Wasif (Dance) Ms Bonnet (Music), Ms Barrett (Voice) and Ms Hayes (Drama). A big thank you to our instrumental music staff who also provided significant support throughout the production. Such a huge undertaking is a significant challenge in the best of times, but this year the cast and crew overcame significant hurdles and challenges, none more so than the need to change venue at the end of Term 2. Despite all the drama, the show was amazing, full of energy, action and, it was so pleasing to see the collegiality, joy and friendship shown by the cast members from across all year levels of the College. Well done to one and all! We look forward to running future shows in our new performing arts area in the coming years.

We have decided to run a virtual parent-student-teacher conference for any students currently completing Year 12 or a Year 12 subject, on Tuesday, 27 July, 2:00- 4:30pm. This will impact the school program for this day. Lessons will run as follows.

Period 1: 9-10am

Period 2: 10 -11am


Period 3: 11.30 -12.30pm

Period 4: 12.30 – 1.30pm

A Compass post was sent to parents explaining how and when to book earlier this week.

Due to the lockdown, we have unfortunately had to cancel the Year 12 camp. The Athletics day scheduled for Friday 30th July has been postponed and a new date and time will be communicated when confirmed. At this stage, a decision on the Ski camp has not been made - we will await further advice from DET before a final decision is made. I can however confirm that the GAT has now been rescheduled for Thursday 12 August 2021.

I have included some basic stretches that can be used by students and parents to minimise screen fatigue. Encourage your student to move around and take regular small breaks throughout the day.

Thank you to all the parents who provided feedback on the recent parent-student-teacher conference survey. Your input is very useful and will help us decide how we run the session on 9th September. A quick snapshot of responses is below. Many of the comments have also been very informative.

A random sample of parents/guardians will have received an email this week with a personalised PIN to complete the parent/guarding opinion survey as required by DET each year. If you have been selected it would be much appreciated if you could take the time to complete the survey.

Finally, this week we farewell Ms Tattersall who is taking maternity leave to have her first child. On behalf of the Rosehill community, we wish Ms Tattersall and her partner all the best for this new chapter in their lives.

Arthur Soumalis


College Calendar

Monday 26th July

Remote Learning

Tuesday 27th JulyRemote Learning

Thursday 12th August

Tuesday 17th AugustSTEP 2022 Testing


Year 10 Work Experience

Congratulations to all Year 10 Students who were able to complete their work experience in the last week of Term 2 or during the recent holidays. Given the current climate, some students had their work experience postponed and we hope that they will have the opportunity to experience the work force in the next school holidays.

Work experience provides insights into the industry and the workplace in which students have chosen. It provides students with the valuable opportunity to develop employability skills, whilst learning about a career of interest.

Placements varied in their sophistication, location, work environment, programs offered and work type. Students performed many different activities, experiencing both the positives and negatives of the job. We received much positive feedback from employers, highlighting students’ enthusiasm, commitment, initiative, and responsibility. Some students were offered a part time job at the completion of their work experience.

We hope the work experience opportunity has given students a taste of the real world of work and inspired them to think about and investigate the different careers the work force has to offer.

A special thanks to all the employers who participated in our program and supported our students. I would also like to thank our parents and Year 10 ID Teachers who helped prepare students for their placements. Thank you to all the staff who made contact with students whilst they were out on Work Experience.

Ms Nadia Vossos

Work Experience Coordinator

VCAL Year 12 students reflect on their community work

Annually, the Year 12 VCAL students commit to a term of volunteer community work. This year’s class has worked at various organisations including St Vincent De Paul, The Helping Hands Mission, The Red Cross, and the Brotherhood of St Laurence.

Students were responsible for contacting organisations, liaising with staff, and reporting back to their class and teacher. They developed their planning, organisational, decision-making and communication skills, but more importantly developed a sense of community and self-worth.

Ms Vicki Handris

VCAL Coordinator

Following is a reflection from Emily, Jaiden, and Jesse:

Hi all,

Our names are Emily, Jesse and Jaiden and we are part of the Year 12 VCAL class at Rosehill.

Every Friday, our class all head out to different organisations and volunteer our time to experience different community workplaces.

We are going to the Red Cross in Moonee Ponds. We couldn’t believe how much we’re actually enjoying the experience. We all thought at the start of the year (when Mrs O’Malley told us that we had to do this) that it is going to be a waste of time and the most boring activity ever. But once we stepped foot into the store, we knew that we was going to love it, and we definitely have.

All of the ladies that work there are gems, they are some of the kindest and sweetest people we’ve ever met. Rose who oversees us, really loves us! They all love all three of us and they never have a bad word to say about us (unless we are all joking around with each other).

The main activities that we do there is steam clothes that are donated, sort through them, tag them and help display the clothes on the floor.

We’ve also noticed a lot of people coming back each week to buy new things and it’s great to help them out for the things that they are wanting to purchase.

It has been an amazing experience and I’ve learnt so much from the organisation.


High School Musical

High School Musical was performed in the school gym on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th July. The show was performed in two matinees for our local primary schools (who were outstanding audience members) and for our parents and friends.

We were incredibly lucky to have performed just before lockdown was announced and the show was a fantastic success. Thankyou to all staff, students and parents and friends for supporting the show. Rosehill is an amazing community and "we're all in this together"!