Principal's Report

We find ourselves at the end of another semester. The school holidays might be a little different again this year, especially here in Melbourne, but nevertheless on behalf of the staff at Rosehill I wish all our families a safe, relaxing and happy term break.

As we transition into semester two, please check the new timetable for changes over the holiday period. I take this opportunity to remind our families that we expect all students to be in correct uniform. If, on the rare occasion your child is not able to be in the correct attire, then a note written and signed by the parent/guardian should be provided.

It has been pleasing to see our Year 10 students able to attend work experience during this final week of term. This is a valuable opportunity to experience the workforce and for many of our students this may well be their first experience in a work environment. It never surprises me to see many children successfully secure part time/casual work from such an opportunity. Well done to the Careers team, to families and in particular to the students for adapting to this year’s demands.

I can now confirm that the GAT has been re-scheduled for Thursday 29th July, Week 3 of Term 3. The GAT is a vitally important element in ensuring assessment consistency across the state and can play an important role in maximising students’ VCE results.

Attached you will find a letter from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) regarding the VCE and VCAL reform due to commence in 2023. This will have an impact on our current Year 10 students. Please take the time to read the information provided carefully. Further advice and information will be communicated during our subject selection information sessions next term. VCE VCAL reform

We have been meeting with the architects and the VSBA on a weekly basis this term and can report that we are making good progress on the initial plans and designs of the new buildings. It is an exciting time to be at Rosehill Secondary College and although there will be some disruption in the short term, once our new facilities are finalised the disruptions will be a distant memory.

Finally, I would like to thank the staff at Rosehill for their tremendous work throughout this challenging term. Their commitment to education, collegiality and ability to problem solve has been vital in ensuring the teaching and learning programs continued with minimum deviation from the planned program. This hard work and strong commitment to ensuring positive outcomes for students has now been officially recognised by the Department of Education (DET) with a Bronze certificate awarded to our College for implementing the essential features of Tier 1 School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) with fidelity in 2020. The official certificate is signed by the Deputy Secretary of Schools.

Arthur Soumalias


College Calendar

Monday 21st June - Friday 25th June

Year 10 Work Experience

Friday 25th June

End of Term 2 - 2.30pm Finish

Term 3

Monday 12th July

School Resumes
Wednesday 14th - Thursday 15th JulyHigh School Musical Performance
Monday 19th - Friday 23rd JulyYear 9 Morrisby Careers Meeting
Wednesday 21st - Friday 23rd JulyYear 12 Camp
Tuesday 27th JulyYears 9 - 11 Subject Selection Information Night
Wednesday 4th - Friday 6th AugustYear 11 Ski Camp


Library News .......

High School Musical

Tickets are currently on sale via TryBooking for Wednesday 14th July and Thursday 15th July performances


All-day school rehearsal

Thursday 24th June:

Students will be required to come to the ECA during certain lessons to rehearse. Students will be informed of the particular lesson/s in which they are needed. Dismissal will be at the normal time of 3:15pm.

Holiday Rehearsals

These rehearsals are vital to put the show together. Any student missing these rehearsals will be unable to perform in the production as they will not be adequately prepared.

Monday 28th June and Tuesday 29th June:

All students are required for the entire day at school. Students will meet in the ECA and will be involved in compulsory rehearsals. Students need to be at school by 9:00am and will be dismissed at the normal time of 3:15pm.

Friday 9th July:

Dress/Tech Rehearsal - All students will be required in the ECA from 9:00am and will be dismissed at 3:15pm. They need to bring all costumes and props and have their make-up and hair done before they get to school.

Note: as the Canteen will not be open during the holidays, students must bring their own snacks, food and drink. School buses will not be running.

Show Week

The venue for all rehearsals and performances is: The ECA, Rosehill Secondary College

Monday 12th July – Dress and tech rehearsal

All students will now be involved in this rehearsal as it is at school.

Students should have their hair and make- up done and come to school in school uniform. They will get changed at school into their costumes.

Tuesday 13th July - Dress and Tech Rehearsals: 9:00AM – 3:15PM

Students should have their hair and make- up done and come to school in school uniform. They are encouraged to bring their snacks and lunch as the breaks may not align with recess and lunch hours, depending on the running time of the rehearsal. The canteen will be open as usual.

Wednesday 14th July:

Morning – 9:00AM – 3.15PM

Students should have their hair and make- up done and come to school in school uniform. They are encouraged to bring their snacks and lunch as the breaks may not align with recess and lunch hours, depending on the running time of the rehearsal. The canteen will be open as usual.

Students will be dismissed at 3.15pm to have a break and dinner before the evening show. Staff will be present to supervise students during the break, but parents are urged to attend between 3.15pm and 5.30pm to take their children for an off-site break.

Evening- 5.30PM – 9.00PM

Students need to return to the School by 5.30pm to prepare for the evening performance at 7:00pm. The show will conclude at approximately 8.45pm. Students must be picked up from school.

Thursday 14th July:

Morning – 9:00AM – 3.15PM

Students should have their hair and make-up done and come to school in their school uniform. They are encouraged to bring their snacks and lunch as the breaks may not align with recess and lunch hours, depending on the running time of the rehearsal. The canteen will be open as usual.

Students will be dismissed at 3.15pm to have a break and dinner before the evening show. Staff will be present to supervise students during the break, but parents are urged to attend between 3.15pm and 5.30pm to take their children for an off-site break.

Evening- 5.30PM – 9.00PM

Students need to return to the School by 5.30pm to prepare for the evening performance at 7:00pm. The show will conclude at approximately 8.45pm. Students must be picked up from school.

Tickets are currently on sale through Trybooking.

Please Note: As communicated earlier, due to the current situation with the Covid 19 Pandemic, the venue has changed and will be held in the ECA at Rosehill Secondary College.

This is a Covid safe event. Please ensure to check in with the provided QR code and masks must be worn whilst in the ECA .

Instrumental Music


Any student in Years 7 or 8 who is interested in learning an instrument, please come down to H1 and collect a form. Lessons are $125 for the semester and includes weekly 35 minute lessons and hiring of the instrument (for woodwind/brass instruments only). Instruments include: Drums, Voice, Trumpet, Saxophone, Clarinet, Flute - places are limited so please speak to Ms Bonett if you would like to organise a trial session. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity!

Melissa Bonett

Director of Music

VCAL Barista Course

Recently our Year 11 VCAL students participated in a half day Barista Course. Our students were shown essential coffee skills under the supervision of a qualified Barista Trainer.

With no prior experience the students were taught how to:

  • Grind coffee and dosing
  • Clean and maintain the coffee machine
  • Create different coffee styles
  • Develop skills required to texture milk
  • Taste and understand the range of strengths of coffee

Our students had a fun filled day making and drinking different types of coffee. With unlimited coffee and milk available we all enjoyed at least 3-4 coffees each and then started distributing them to the nearest staff rooms to the delight of the teachers who were there and could enjoy them!

These worthwhile qualifications will not only give the class the expertise needed to make great coffees at home, but could also help the students get a job as a Barista.

Ms Vicki Handris

VCAL Co-Ordinator

Butterfly Foundation

Body Kind Leadership Workshop - Expression of Interest for Students in Year 9 - 11

The Wellbeing Team are putting together a group of student leaders to attend a “Body Kind Leadership Workshop” with the Butterfly Foundation to address body image/eating disorders amongst our student cohort.

This interactive virtual workshop is designed for schools wishing to have young people actively plan and lead Body Kind Schools activities. The aim of the workshop is to educate, empower and inspire young people to champion being Body Kind in their schools.  

Students of all genders and those who may be passionate about the topic are encouraged to participate.

We are currently looking for students in Years 9 – 11.

In this session young people will:

  • Explore body image and the key influences
  • Unpack what it means to be Body Kind
  • Examine what Body Kind leaders do
  • Be given ideas to inspire Body Kind Schools activities
  • Have the opportunity to develop and plan their own Body Kind Schools activity

Here is a link to the workshop info:

Expression of interest from students between Years 9-11, who have an interest in this area/leadership qualities can email/call/pop into Caitlin Kennedy's office to express an interest in participating.

Caitlin Kennedy

Mental Heath Practitioner


To support schools through COVID-19 restrictions, the Department has extended the deadline for schools to submit Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) applications to Friday 13 August.

This means schools do not have to submit CSEF application forms to the Department through the CSEF system before the end of Term 2, as previously communicated.

The CSEF helps eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

If you require a form, you can obtain one from the Administration Office or download an application form from the Department website: and return it to the College before Wednesday 11th August, 2021.

College Newsletter, Issue 7 - 23 June 2021

Principal's Report

We find ourselves at the end of another semester. The school holidays might be a little different again this year, especially here in Melbourne, but nevertheless on behalf of the staff at Rosehill I wish all our families a safe, relaxing and happy term break.

As we transition into semester two, please check the new timetable for changes over the holiday period. I take this opportunity to remind our families that we expect all students to be in correct uniform. If, on the rare occasion your child is not able to be in the correct attire, then a note written and signed by the parent/guardian should be provided.

It has been pleasing to see our Year 10 students able to attend work experience during this final week of term. This is a valuable opportunity to experience the workforce and for many of our students this may well be their first experience in a work environment. It never surprises me to see many children successfully secure part time/casual work from such an opportunity. Well done to the Careers team, to families and in particular to the students for adapting to this year’s demands.

I can now confirm that the GAT has been re-scheduled for Thursday 29th July, Week 3 of Term 3. The GAT is a vitally important element in ensuring assessment consistency across the state and can play an important role in maximising students’ VCE results.

Attached you will find a letter from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) regarding the VCE and VCAL reform due to commence in 2023. This will have an impact on our current Year 10 students. Please take the time to read the information provided carefully. Further advice and information will be communicated during our subject selection information sessions next term. VCE VCAL reform

We have been meeting with the architects and the VSBA on a weekly basis this term and can report that we are making good progress on the initial plans and designs of the new buildings. It is an exciting time to be at Rosehill Secondary College and although there will be some disruption in the short term, once our new facilities are finalised the disruptions will be a distant memory.

Finally, I would like to thank the staff at Rosehill for their tremendous work throughout this challenging term. Their commitment to education, collegiality and ability to problem solve has been vital in ensuring the teaching and learning programs continued with minimum deviation from the planned program. This hard work and strong commitment to ensuring positive outcomes for students has now been officially recognised by the Department of Education (DET) with a Bronze certificate awarded to our College for implementing the essential features of Tier 1 School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) with fidelity in 2020. The official certificate is signed by the Deputy Secretary of Schools.

Arthur Soumalias


College Calendar

Monday 21st June - Friday 25th June

Year 10 Work Experience

Friday 25th June

End of Term 2 - 2.30pm Finish

Term 3

Monday 12th July

School Resumes
Wednesday 14th - Thursday 15th JulyHigh School Musical Performance
Monday 19th - Friday 23rd JulyYear 9 Morrisby Careers Meeting
Wednesday 21st - Friday 23rd JulyYear 12 Camp
Tuesday 27th JulyYears 9 - 11 Subject Selection Information Night
Wednesday 4th - Friday 6th AugustYear 11 Ski Camp


Library News .......

High School Musical

Tickets are currently on sale via TryBooking for Wednesday 14th July and Thursday 15th July performances


All-day school rehearsal

Thursday 24th June:

Students will be required to come to the ECA during certain lessons to rehearse. Students will be informed of the particular lesson/s in which they are needed. Dismissal will be at the normal time of 3:15pm.

Holiday Rehearsals

These rehearsals are vital to put the show together. Any student missing these rehearsals will be unable to perform in the production as they will not be adequately prepared.

Monday 28th June and Tuesday 29th June:

All students are required for the entire day at school. Students will meet in the ECA and will be involved in compulsory rehearsals. Students need to be at school by 9:00am and will be dismissed at the normal time of 3:15pm.

Friday 9th July:

Dress/Tech Rehearsal - All students will be required in the ECA from 9:00am and will be dismissed at 3:15pm. They need to bring all costumes and props and have their make-up and hair done before they get to school.

Note: as the Canteen will not be open during the holidays, students must bring their own snacks, food and drink. School buses will not be running.

Show Week

The venue for all rehearsals and performances is: The ECA, Rosehill Secondary College

Monday 12th July – Dress and tech rehearsal

All students will now be involved in this rehearsal as it is at school.

Students should have their hair and make- up done and come to school in school uniform. They will get changed at school into their costumes.

Tuesday 13th July - Dress and Tech Rehearsals: 9:00AM – 3:15PM

Students should have their hair and make- up done and come to school in school uniform. They are encouraged to bring their snacks and lunch as the breaks may not align with recess and lunch hours, depending on the running time of the rehearsal. The canteen will be open as usual.

Wednesday 14th July:

Morning – 9:00AM – 3.15PM

Students should have their hair and make- up done and come to school in school uniform. They are encouraged to bring their snacks and lunch as the breaks may not align with recess and lunch hours, depending on the running time of the rehearsal. The canteen will be open as usual.

Students will be dismissed at 3.15pm to have a break and dinner before the evening show. Staff will be present to supervise students during the break, but parents are urged to attend between 3.15pm and 5.30pm to take their children for an off-site break.

Evening- 5.30PM – 9.00PM

Students need to return to the School by 5.30pm to prepare for the evening performance at 7:00pm. The show will conclude at approximately 8.45pm. Students must be picked up from school.

Thursday 14th July:

Morning – 9:00AM – 3.15PM

Students should have their hair and make-up done and come to school in their school uniform. They are encouraged to bring their snacks and lunch as the breaks may not align with recess and lunch hours, depending on the running time of the rehearsal. The canteen will be open as usual.

Students will be dismissed at 3.15pm to have a break and dinner before the evening show. Staff will be present to supervise students during the break, but parents are urged to attend between 3.15pm and 5.30pm to take their children for an off-site break.

Evening- 5.30PM – 9.00PM

Students need to return to the School by 5.30pm to prepare for the evening performance at 7:00pm. The show will conclude at approximately 8.45pm. Students must be picked up from school.

Tickets are currently on sale through Trybooking.

Please Note: As communicated earlier, due to the current situation with the Covid 19 Pandemic, the venue has changed and will be held in the ECA at Rosehill Secondary College.

This is a Covid safe event. Please ensure to check in with the provided QR code and masks must be worn whilst in the ECA .

Instrumental Music


Any student in Years 7 or 8 who is interested in learning an instrument, please come down to H1 and collect a form. Lessons are $125 for the semester and includes weekly 35 minute lessons and hiring of the instrument (for woodwind/brass instruments only). Instruments include: Drums, Voice, Trumpet, Saxophone, Clarinet, Flute - places are limited so please speak to Ms Bonett if you would like to organise a trial session. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity!

Melissa Bonett

Director of Music

VCAL Barista Course

Recently our Year 11 VCAL students participated in a half day Barista Course. Our students were shown essential coffee skills under the supervision of a qualified Barista Trainer.

With no prior experience the students were taught how to:

  • Grind coffee and dosing
  • Clean and maintain the coffee machine
  • Create different coffee styles
  • Develop skills required to texture milk
  • Taste and understand the range of strengths of coffee

Our students had a fun filled day making and drinking different types of coffee. With unlimited coffee and milk available we all enjoyed at least 3-4 coffees each and then started distributing them to the nearest staff rooms to the delight of the teachers who were there and could enjoy them!

These worthwhile qualifications will not only give the class the expertise needed to make great coffees at home, but could also help the students get a job as a Barista.

Ms Vicki Handris

VCAL Co-Ordinator

Butterfly Foundation

Body Kind Leadership Workshop - Expression of Interest for Students in Year 9 - 11

The Wellbeing Team are putting together a group of student leaders to attend a “Body Kind Leadership Workshop” with the Butterfly Foundation to address body image/eating disorders amongst our student cohort.

This interactive virtual workshop is designed for schools wishing to have young people actively plan and lead Body Kind Schools activities. The aim of the workshop is to educate, empower and inspire young people to champion being Body Kind in their schools.  

Students of all genders and those who may be passionate about the topic are encouraged to participate.

We are currently looking for students in Years 9 – 11.

In this session young people will:

  • Explore body image and the key influences
  • Unpack what it means to be Body Kind
  • Examine what Body Kind leaders do
  • Be given ideas to inspire Body Kind Schools activities
  • Have the opportunity to develop and plan their own Body Kind Schools activity

Here is a link to the workshop info:

Expression of interest from students between Years 9-11, who have an interest in this area/leadership qualities can email/call/pop into Caitlin Kennedy's office to express an interest in participating.

Caitlin Kennedy

Mental Heath Practitioner


To support schools through COVID-19 restrictions, the Department has extended the deadline for schools to submit Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) applications to Friday 13 August.

This means schools do not have to submit CSEF application forms to the Department through the CSEF system before the end of Term 2, as previously communicated.

The CSEF helps eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

If you require a form, you can obtain one from the Administration Office or download an application form from the Department website: and return it to the College before Wednesday 11th August, 2021.