Principal's Report

As we end Week 4 and head into the fifth week of Term, I can report that its has been a calm and impressive start to the school year for students and staff at Rosehill Secondary College. It is pleasing to see students committed to their studies and taking pride and responsibility for their learning and constantly wanting to improve. It is a significant focus for this year.

After School Tuition

To help support children keep up and assist with the completion of the work, the College offers several after school homework programs. These sessions are supervised with teaching staff, and they are provided to support your children. Please use this resource if you think your child could benefit from some additional structured homework time.

Swimming Carnival

Friday 7th March is our swimming carnival. This is an important day in our school calendar, and we look forward to seeing all students attend and participate on the day. There are many activities on offer so even less capable swimmers can earn points for their house by taking part in non-swimming games and events.

All students must travel to the venue by bus. Any student who wishes to be dismissed from the venue at the end of the day must present a signed note, from their parent/guardian, by Friday afternoon, 28th February to the relevant sub school team.

Payment is due by Monday 3rd March. Late notes or payments will not be accepted as bus booking need to be finalised by this date; also, staff need to plan effectively for all the children in the college. It is a significant undertaking to have over 1000 children at one event.

School Council

The are three (3) casual vacancies for parents/guardians’ representatives to join School Council for 2025. If interested or would like more information, please contact the Business Manager, Judith Wright on 9337 2488.


Thank you to all the parents who show patience, respect and consideration during the busy and hectic pick up and drop off times. It is disappointing to hear reports of poor behaviour from a small number of parents/guardians towards our neighbours during pick up and drop off. Please respect their homes, driveways and their right to access their home when they need. Essendon Private Hospital on Rosehill Road is also private property. MV Council officers have been notified and will be booking vehicles parked illegally. We strongly recommend you park a few streets away and have your child walk to your car during the busy after school pick up.

School Values

We actively promote a strong sense of our school values to our students. Our core values are Respect, Initiative and Learning. There is no better way to display such values than by modelling them to our young people.

I have included the College RIL matrix for your perusal. This is an important document for our school community, and we encourage all members of our community; students, staff and parents to be familiar with these behaviours and values.

Finally, in additional to our RIL matrix, each sub school and year level has a focus on key ideas that are discussed and emphasised during the homegroup program. These are below in a continuum. We encourage you to have these discussions with your children. Ask them how they can incorporate these themes into their everyday at school.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12





Resilience & Mindset

Resilience & Mindset

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Arthur Soumalias



School Policies have been updated in line with Department of Education and Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority requirements. Parents may review these on the school website Our School > Policies > Minimum Standards Compliance – June 2022.


Monday 24th FebruarySchool Council Meeting
Monday 3rd - Wednesday 5th MarchYear 12 Environmental Science Camp
Thursday 6th MarchYear 7 Parent Information Night

5.45pm for a 6.00pm start in the College's Auditorium

Friday 7th MarchSwimming Carnival
Monday 10th MarchLabour Day Public Holiday



Dear Parents/Caregivers,

If you have a current Health Care Card or Pension Card, you may be eligible for the Camps/Sport/Excursions Fund (CSEF) payment. This funding can be used towards excursions, camps and sporting activities that run throughout the year at Rosehill.

If you applied for CSEF in 2024, and are a current student, you do not need to complete an application form unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.

You will only need to submit a new application form in 2025 if any of the following changes occurred:

  • New student enrolments
  • Change in family circumstances.

Schools can accept and process applications up until the end of term two each year. CSEF payments are made to schools from March onwards.

Application forms are available via the department’s website, at the general office or below. Please complete and return this form to us along with a copy of your valid concession card.

Applications for 2025 will close on 1 July 2025.

Levena Hayes


School Saving Bonus

About the School Saving Bonus

The Victorian Government is making life that little bit easier for families by providing a one-off $400 School Saving Bonus.

This support will help cover the cost of school uniforms, textbooks, and school activities like camps, excursions, and sports.

The School Saving Bonus is in addition to existing and continuing means-tested supports for Camps, Sports, and Excursions Fund (CSEF) and the Affordable School Uniforms Program.

School Saving Bonus – Allocating to School activities: (camps, trips, excursions, and incursions)

  1. Once you are logged into the school saving bonus online system, please navigate to the school activities section and choose the amount you would like to allocate. This will be transferred in a few days for you to use on events and excursions.
  2. You can then use your SSB allocation to pay for excursions and events on compass by selecting to pay via CSEF/Credit in the payment section of the event. We will then be able to see your selected payment method and allocate your funds accordingly.
  3. Events will then be marked as paid. All you need to do is provide consent for the event.

Please Note - There is currently a delay between the SSB portal and our school systems, which the Department is working to resolve.

If you do not see the CSEF/credit payment option after a few days, please email the school with the details of the event for which you would like to use this payment method, and we will ensure it is allocated accordingly.

Please see below link which contain the System guide for Parents and carers

School saving bonus system guide for parents and carers 2975

Levena Hayes


Welcoming the Year of the Snake at Rosehill

On Monday, 12th February, the Rosehill International Program hosted a Lunar New Year lunch, bringing together international students and members of our school community to celebrate this special occasion.

The event featured a delicious feast of dumplings and spring rolls—traditional symbols of prosperity and good fortune in the new year.

Our Year 12 EAL student leader, Dat, delivered a wonderful speech, recognising the dedication and resilience of our international students.

This celebration was a tribute to their commitment to their studies, as many returned to school despite being away from family during this important festive season. It was also an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the birthdays of international students born in January and February, making the occasion even more special.

Beyond the festivities, the event aimed to foster cultural awareness and inclusivity within our school community, helping international students feel truly at home at Rosehill.

By embracing and sharing diverse traditions, we continue to strengthen the bonds that make our school such a welcoming and vibrant place.

Wishing our entire school community a joyful and prosperous Year of the Snake! May this year bring wisdom, success, and happiness to all. 🐍🎉

Nan Li


National Pi Day

March 14th is a day that every math enthusiast—and anyone who loves a good slice of pie—looks forward to: National Pi Day! Pi Day celebrates the mathematical constant π (pi), which is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.

This fascinating number is approximately 3.14, which is why Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14). A perfect celebration for the Year 8s in particular this year considering they are currently studying the Measurement topic!

Considering NAPLAN is scheduled to run on this day, we will be celebrating National Pi Day during the week commencing 17th March. The challenge will be........

  • Pi Recitation Contest: How many digits of pi can you memorize? Test your memory and impress your classmates by reciting as many digits as you can! Prizes will be on offer!

More details to come!

Stephanie Barbaro


Swimming Carnival BBQ

There will be BBQ at the Swimming Carnival run by VM students.

Please bring CASH ONLY

$2.50 for Drinks

$2.50 for Sausage and Sauce

$1.00 for Onions

Thank you for your support

Vicki Handris


After School Tuition Programme

The whole-school tuition program provides students with consistent academic support every Wednesday afternoon, ensuring they receive the assistance needed to complete their homework and classwork effectively.

Proven to be highly successful, this enhancement and enrichment initiative supports students of all year levels in strengthening their literacy and numeracy skills while refining their study techniques in preparation for assessments and exams.

This program is easily accessible to students, has no cost incurred, and is effective in improving study skills, results, and the confidence in students to work independently.

We encourage all students to take advantage of this valuable opportunity to develop their skills and achieve their best!

When: Wednesdays, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Where: A3

For further information regarding this enhancement program please contact Ms Sharma on 9337 2488 or email:

Newsletter, Issue Two 2025 - 21 Feb 2025

National Pi Day

March 14th is a day that every math enthusiast—and anyone who loves a good slice of pie—looks forward to: National Pi Day! Pi Day celebrates the mathematical constant π (pi), which is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.

This fascinating number is approximately 3.14, which is why Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14). A perfect celebration for the Year 8s in particular this year considering they are currently studying the Measurement topic!

Considering NAPLAN is scheduled to run on this day, we will be celebrating National Pi Day during the week commencing 17th March. The challenge will be........

  • Pi Recitation Contest: How many digits of pi can you memorize? Test your memory and impress your classmates by reciting as many digits as you can! Prizes will be on offer!

More details to come!

Stephanie Barbaro

