As we head into Week 8 of this exceptionally busy term, the upcoming activities and events make it a very exciting time to be a member of the Rosehill Community.
I wish to take a moment to think about the communities affected by the recent events in Ukraine, Queensland and New South Wales and wish them our very best in what will be trying times in the coming months. Our thoughts and well wishes are with them and certainly make me appreciate how lucky we are to be able to attend work, school and be able to live a relatively settled life at this time, despite the challenges we have faced over the last two years.
Interim Reports will be available in the coming week and will allow parents and guardians an opportunity to formally view how their children have commenced the school year. I encourage parents and guardians to print the report and to bring it along to parent teacher interviews on Thursday 7th April as a reference point for discussions. Keep an eye on COMPASS for the parent/teacher interview booking module in late March. I look forward to seeing many parents on the night.
Parents are reminded to check Compass on a regular basis, at least weekly. Teachers have been excellent in posting work requirements and results both, for parents and students to better track and monitor their progress on a regular basis.
After attending a great day at the Swimming Carnival last week, I would like to highlight several exciting events on the horizon this term:
- Year 7 Camp from 21st – 23rd March at Forest Edge - a wonderful opportunity for students to make new friends across the cohort and for staff to build a strong rapport with students outside the classroom walls.
- Multiple Outdoor Education camps and excursions.
- Year 12 Environmental Science camp.
- Physics excursion.
- VCE Dance 2021 Top Arts performance.
- Peer Support concludes.
STEP information night for 2023 is on Tuesday 29th March. If you have children in Grade 6 and may be interested in applying for a position in STEP next year or, want to know more about the program, please come along to the information evening. Contact Ms Wasif on 9337 2488 for further information.
Rosefest is on Wednesday 30th March. It is a great day in the calendar for Rosehill and we wish the current Year 9 cohort all the best with their fundraising, planning and activities on the day.
The Rosehill Breakfast Club which runs every Friday from 8am in C5, is another opportunity for our students to connect with our community, meet new friends and support students who may not always have time to eat well each morning.
The School Council election process concluded earlier this this month with the following members representing parents: Mark Heintz, Christina Kotsafaras, Natalija Homotopoulos, Mike Lloyd, Michelle Prosenica and John Spasevski. We farewell and thank Gwenda Griggs for her support and service over the past six years - the last three served as School Council President.
Finally, it was a tremendous effort by Ms Murray to organise three very busy special guests to attend on-site, at the same time, to present and discuss key issues as part of our Year 10 Civics and Citizenship program. We thank our Federal Member of Parliament the Hon Bill Shorten, who was able to answer questions relating to federal issues; our local state member the Hon Ben Carroll who was able to answer State related questions, and finally, the Mayor of Moonee Valley, Cr Samantha Byrne who responded to questions related to local area of government. It was a great insight for our students into how the three levels of government work in our Country.
All three guest speakers were engaging and very generous with their time. Well done Ms Murray for organising this opportunity and to our Year 10 students who asked very mature and thoughtful questions.

Warm regards,
Arthur Soumalias