We are at the midpoint of this eleven-week term, and I’d like to acknowledge and congratulate all our students for their terrific work and commitment to their studies.
Middle School Assembly
This week I attended the Year 9 and 10 sub school assembly, and I was suitably impressed with our students and their attentive nature throughout. Thank you to Mr Vincent and the middle school team for their work in running such an effective assembly.
Mid-Year Exams
Year 9, 10 and 11 students will soon be sitting mid-year exams. This is an opportunity to showcase one’s learning and use this time to revise and help consolidate the learning across the semester. It is also a terrific opportunity to experience exam style conditions in preparation for the final year of schooling in the years to come.
Work Experience
At the end of this exam period, our Year 10 students will undertake two weeks of work experience. We wish all our Year 10 students the best of luck with this real-world experience, and we certainly find that many develop a greater sense of direction and appreciation of possible career paths. A tremendous effort from the Careers team, and to the parents/guardians, and students for taking the time to organise such wonderful placements.
PLC Presentations
Throughout Term 1 and 2, staff have been working in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). On Thursday we held our celebration session whereby all staff were able to share and showcase their learning during this process. I was very impressed and proud to see the tremendous passion and commitment to continuous improvement by our staff. There were a variety of PLC foci, but the overwhelming element seen across most teams was the strong focus on our Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) strategies. I have previously mentioned our consistent predictable routines (CPR) but on this occasion many staff incorporated key learnings from Day 2 training, in particular… building strong relationships with students, providing explicit feedback and praise on process, and using micro-moments to build rapport. Thank you to Ms Chapman for overseeing our PLC program and keeping us on task throughout this cycle.
Each year students complete an in-class survey specific for their classes. These surveys provide direct feedback to the classroom teacher, and, in addition, whole school feedback. We use this data to help track our progress in areas identified on our School Strategic Plan (SSP) and Annual Implementation Plan (AIP). The whole school data has identified these key areas of significant strength.
- I know how I am supposed to behave in this class.
- This teacher knows a lot about the topics in this class.
- This teacher respects me for who I am.
- A couple of areas that we need to continue to improve on are.
- This teacher gives me choices about the work I do.
- This teacher connects their teaching to my life.
Performing Arts
Congratulations to Zoe Brown who has once again secured a role as a Principal Dancer at this year’s State School Spectacular. She is a terrific ambassador for our school and the performing arts program. We wish her all the best in her preparation for this production and look forward to seeing her on TV later in the year.
Building Update
The upgrade to A Block is well underway with the new roof raised and installed. External cladding is now finished, and the external windows have been repaired and painted. Electrical rough in is almost complete and is now ready for plastering. We are excited and look forward to moving in sooner rather than later.
Additional work is scheduled in the new Auditorium in the coming weeks to finalise items such as stage curtains, additional painting, and adjustment of the auditorium seating.
Disability Access – a new ramp will be constructed from the administration building to B wing in the coming weeks. This will better enable wheelchair access between these two areas.
In the coming weeks, some bright new shade sails will be installed in the area on the south side of B wing behind the science rooms. We are looking forward to having a new passive recreational space for students to utilise.
Annual General Meeting
The next School Council on Monday 27th May 2024 will be our Annual General Meeting where I will be presenting our 2023 Annual Report. The meeting will commence at 5:15pm. Please contact the Business Manager, Judith Wright, if you are planning to attend.
Arthur Soumalias