We are just past the midpoint of the term, so this provides an opportunity to pause and reflect on how the year has progressed thus far. Sometimes we get caught up in the day to day, that we forget to stop and appreciate all that’s been achieved. What have been the successes for your child?
I take this opportunity to remind parents/guardians that interim reports will be available next week. This will provide an insight as to how your child has commenced the year and will also serve as a conversation starter for student parent teacher interviews scheduled for Thursday 27th March. This day will be a hybrid model with onsite face to face interviews during the day, 11:00am-3:30pm, and online interviews in the evening, 4:30pm–7:00pm. Further details to be provided closer to the day via Compass.
NAPLAN testing commences next week for students in Year 7 and 9. All NAPLAN testing is online; our IT team and staff have been working with students to ensure individual devices are properly set up to enable access to the testing. We remind families to fully charge devices each night in readiness for the testing which will run from Wednesday 12th March to Monday 17th March.
At the time of writing, we were preparing for the annual swimming carnival. I am sure it will be a great success, with terrific weather forecast. I’ll provide an update as to which house was the most successful in the next issue.
Mr Jerome Love has kindly offered his services to run our Chess club this year. This runs every Friday in the college library, and he is keen to start interschool competitions. If your child has an interest in Chess encourage them to pop into the library, every Friday during lunch.
One final reminder that we still have a couple of parent vacancies for School Council. If you are interested, please call or email the college and ask for Ms Judith Wright.
It was great to see and talk to parents and carers at the Year 7 parent night yesterday. Success at secondary school is made easier when we work in partnership, and this is formed by having open and clear communication over the journey. We take pride in providing a safe and supportive learning environment for your children and, our Year 7 team work cohesively to support students to transition into secondary school in a seamless manner. I would like to acknowledge the Junior School team for their work which started in Term 4 last year. They are superbly led by Ms Snow, Assistant Principal in charge, and overseen by Mr Ben Derks (Junior School Leader), Ms Janti Kumar (Year 7 Coordinator) and Mr Mitchell Waugh (Year 7 Assistant Coordinator). Finally, a big well done to our school captains Delcine Li and Hugo Bliss for commencing proceedings and to both Jett Edwards and Poppy Esenyel, two wonderful Year 7 leaders, for sharing their Year 7 journey thus far.
Arthur Soumalias